生涯学習の推進に関わる事務処理の動態と問題点 : 地方公共団体の実態調査を通じて(V 研究報告)
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In the promotion of lifelong learning, the necessity of cooperation between the board of education and the syuchoubukyoku (governor's or mayor's departments), or prefectures and municipalities, has been mentioned. However, how are administrative affairs concerning the promotion of lifelong learning actually being conducted, and what problems are arising? Additionally, chihoukousya (local public beneficial corporations) are coming to play important roles,. but, what problems concerning their activities are arising? The purpose of this paper is to clarify these points through surveys of local public bodies. 1. Relations between the board of education and the syuchoubukyoku. Many local public bodies set up an organization to coordinate and promote the lifelong learning policies of both the board of education and the syuchoubukyoku. In the case where its secretariat is placed in the board of education, the board easily exerts its expertise, but coordination becomes difficult. On the other hand, in the case where the secretariat is placed in the syuchoubukyoku, an issue arises: how the expertise of the board of education should be used to coordinate and execute policies. A fundamental problem between two principles of local government, pluralism of executive agencies and integration of their administration, thus arises in conducting administrative affairs concerning the promotion of lifelong learning. 2. Relations between the prefecture and municipalities. In the case where the secretariat is placed in the board of education at the prefectural level, intimate cooperation between prefectural and municipal boards can be easily instituted, but the leadership of the former contains the possibility of undermining the subjectivity of the latter. On the contrary, in the case where the secretariat is placed in the syuchoubukyoku at the prefectural level, municipal boards of education have to contact both the prefectural board of education and the governer's departments. As a result, the system of cooperation becomes complicated. This is connected with the basic problem extant between prefectural leadership and municipal subjectivity, and is because of this fabric problem that at the muinicipal level boards of education are playing the central role in the promotion of lifelong learning while at the prefectural level the secretariat of the organization for lifelong learning is sometimes being placed in the syuchoubukyoku. 3. Activities of chihoukousya. While chihoukousya can be expected to have flexible management, a new issue is brought about: how the principles required of public administration, such as democratic participation, equality or neutrality, should be preserved in their activities. Though chihoukousya conduct a part of the administrative affairs of the local public body. they themselves are not executive organs. In the promotion of lifelong learning, to what extent should local public bodies be responsible, and in what way should they conduct administrative affairs? The problem of conducting administrative affairs concerning lifelong learning leads us to question how public administration should be conducted.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1993-10-09
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