イギリスのニュー・パブリック・マネジメントと教育行財政改革(教育の市場化・民営化を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
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The 1980s reform of educational administration and finance in England and Wales has sought to apply the idea and method of corporate management forms to public sector education, thereby promoting efficiency and creativity in educational services. Changes were brought about by the following main policy developments: the implementation of the Education Reform Act of 1988 ; the introduction of OFSTED (the Office for Standards in Education) inspection regime for schools; and the creation of new headships by the Teacher Training Agency. These policies are responsible for creating quasi-markets in public sector education as well as transmitting a new managerialism in education to everyday processes and priorities in schools. Major policy changes have affected school-based management and emphasized the standards of performance indicated by the central government. As a consequence of undertaking the local management of a school, a headteacher has to be responsible for ensuring good productivity and optimal outcomes. Therefore, headteachers supported by senior teachers are encouraged to use these new discourses as Total Quality Control and Total Quality Management. On coming to power in 1997, the New Labour government advocated the so-called The Third Way in which education policies are endorsed by such key principles as zero tolerance for underperformance, education benefit for the many not just the few, and social inclusion and partnership with those committed to raising standards. Education Action Zones (EAZ) as well as their preference for 'joined up thinking' are typical education policies identified as New Labour's alternative for tackling social and educational disadvantage. This idea of the EAZ is to try to address the integration of different sectors and resources and to break down the boundaries between state and civil societies for revitalizing the communities. In conclusion, the EAZ policy revises the former Conservative governments' quasi-market policy of education and seeks to explore the next stage of New Public Management.
- 2000-10-13
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- イギリスのニュー・パブリック・マネジメントと教育行財政改革(教育の市場化・民営化を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 清田夏代著, 『現代イギリスの教育行政改革』, 勁草書房, 2005年, 331頁
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