- 論文の詳細を見る
This report describes the problems of teaching method and materials of writing class for intermediate Japanese learner. In the writing class of 6 months Japanese intensive course for research students, we required the students to brush up their writing skill by means of describing a comic strip for giving close image of that to the other person who doesn't see that strip. This task in the writing class was appraised by the students, but some problems came out. One is the mixture of objective description and subjective description in students' sentences. This mixture came from the students' misunderstanding of the word "objective description" and also the contents of the comic strip itself. Another problem was no marker for distinction between objective and subjective description. In spite of these problems, this writing class almost achieved its aim. For more effective teaching method and materials of writing class, we need further research of the relation between Japanese expressions and objective description.
- 日本語教育方法研究会の論文
- 1995-09-23
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