「鹿蹄草」の生薬学的研究(第2報) : 長野県産「鹿蹄草」について
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Previous paper disclosed that the specimens of Japanese crude drug "Rokuteiso" originated from Gunma prefecture was of Shortia uniflora (MAXIM.) MAXIM, of Diapensiaceae. However, "Rokuteiso" originated from Nagano prefecture was found to be derived from different original plant. According to Ranzan Ono's book (1803), the original plant of "Rokuteiso" has been generally regarded as "Ichiyakuso," Pyrola japonica KLENZE ex ALEFELD (Jap. nam. Ichiyakuso). Thus the drug from Nagano prefecture might be of Pyrola species. So the anatomical studies of Pyrola spp. distributed in Japan were performed precisely. The results showed that "Rokuteiso" from Nagano prefecture was composed of the whole herb of Pyrola incarnala FISCH. There is a Chinese crude drug named "Lu-ti-cao" that is generally believed to be derived from Pyrola rotundifolia L. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of "Lu-ti-cao" from continental China were compared with those in Japanese Pyrola in attempt at identification of its origin. The structure of the leaf of the drug was found to be similar to that of Pyrola japonica, and the shape of it to be slightly different from the botanical characteristics of Pyrola rotundifolia. Therefore "Lu-tl-cao" from China might be considered to be derived from Pyrola japonica or its close relations distributed in China. The anatomical characteristics of the leaves of all those materials are shown in TABLE I.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1980-06-20
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