頭頚部領域における所謂Fibro-osseous lesionの臨床的、病理組織的研究
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Fibro-osseus lesions of the facial skeleton are a controversial disease and have been reported under many different names. In this paper, 24 cases of such disease which were furgically treated in Kobe University Hospital and Kobe Central Municipal Hospital are studied clinico-pathologically. We classified the histopathological pictures obtained from each patient into 3 types : matured type, immatured type and intermediate type. These classifications were based on the findings of fibrous components and on maturity of newly formed osseous elements. According to typical histological appearance, we can designate "fibrous osteoma" as a matured type, "ossifying fibroma" as an immatured type, and "fibrous dysplasia" as an intermediate type. There is no correlation between the histological maturity of the lesions and surgical and clinical findings such as X-ray. The operative procedure has no relation to the prognosis. Through preoperative examinations, we can not estimate the maturity of the lesions and make a precise pathological diagnosis. There is a tendency for the immatured type to occur in young patients. But, the lesions of all the adult in our study except one were of the intermediate or matured type. The matured type seldom recurred even if the operation was not radical. Recurrence was found in 5 out of 13 patients who were followed up for more than 3 years. Four out of the five patients with recurrence were under 10 years old. All of the patients with lesions of immatured and intermediate type in histology had recurrence. The one exceptional adult case whose biopsy specimen showed an immatured type, which was compatible with ossifying fibroma, later developed a clinically malignant tumor that was diagnosed histologically as an aggressive osteoblastoma. In conclusion, we consider that a good biopsy is the most important indication for the decision of treatment. When the biopsy shows an immatured type, total removal of the lesion should be undertaken as much as possible. And, when the biopsy shows a matured type, curetment of the involved bones should be sufficient therapy.
- 神戸大学の論文
藤谷 哲造
藤谷 哲造
鈴木 茂身
岡田 聡
谷口 郷美
岡田 聡
岡田 聡
岡田 聡
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- 頭頚部領域における所謂Fibro-osseous lesionの臨床的、病理組織的研究
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- 340.mitogen刺激単核球より産生される平滑筋収縮増強因子 : III.分離, 抽出, 薄層クロマトグラフィー( ケミカルメディエーター(II)ヒスタミン その他)
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- アドレナリン作働性α,β刺激剤の鼻アレルギ-鼻粘膜に対する影響および鼻誘発反応抑制効果に関する研究
- 267.mitogen刺激単核球より産生される平滑筋収縮増強因子 : II.単球, B-cell, T-cellからの産生, classical prostaglandinとの生物活性の相違(Chemical mediator II)
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- 4) アレルギー性鼻炎(第2回 近畿アレルゲン研究会)
- 230. 扁桃悪性リンパ腫の免疫学的検討(老化・腫瘍・遺伝)
- 35. 鼻アレルギーにおける誘発試験と鼻汁中好酸球(鼻アレルギー)
- 455 中枢からIV次気管支までに発生した早期及び準早期肺癌の検討
- 73 中皮腫の12手術例
- 21.椎体に及んだSuperior Sulcus Tumorに対する1切除例(第38回日本肺癌学会関西支部会)
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- 30 腎癌肺転移手術症例の検討
- 84.悪性胸膜中皮腫に対し胸膜肺全摘術を行った一症例(第52回日本肺癌学会関西支部会)
- 35.新生児小腸部分拡張症の1例(第25回日本小児外科学会近畿地方会)
- 第51回日本肺癌学会関西支部会 : 62.右胸腔内巨大腫瘍の1例
- 288 家族性大腸ポリポージスの 1 経験例(第28回日本消化器外科学会総会)
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- 同一肺葉内同時性重複癌の一症例
- 7.三重複腫瘤の一症例 : 第26回日本肺癌学会関西支部会
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- 前頭洞癌En-Bloc手術の試み(浅井良三教授開講10周年記念論文)
- 鼻アレルギーの臨床的研究(浅井良三教授開講10周年記念論文)
- 下顎処置と頭頸部癌(浅井良三教授開講10周年記念論文)
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- A case of rhinoscleroma.
- Modification of T-E shunt (Amatsu's technique) to prevent aspiration.
- 耳鼻咽喉科における紡錘形細胞腫瘍の臨床病理学的研究
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- 口蓋扁挑悪性リンパ腫の膜性状
- A case of osteoma of the mandibular coronoid process.
- A case report of thymic cyst.
- 非ホジキンリンパ腫の表面マ-カ-と組織免疫グロブリン
- 口蓋扁桃悪性リンパ腫の膜性状
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- 頭頸部腫瘍手術と下顎処置
- The accuracy of RI scintigrams in the diagnosis of head and neck tumors.
- .BETA.-Adrenergic function on nasal mucosa of the patients with allergic rhinitis.
- Diagnosis of optic neuropathy caused by paranasal sinus cyst.
- 耳鼻咽喉科領域感染症に対するセポール顆粒の治療成績
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- タイトル無し
- The regulatory mechanism of autonomic nervous system in the nasal mucosa. An experimental study on the neurotransmitter release and the simulation study using microcomputer.:-An Experimental Study on the Neurotransmitter Release and the Simulation Study U