口蓋扁桃非ホジキン悪性リンパ腫の治療成績--化学療法併用の有用性について (服部浩教授開講10周年記念論文集)
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The prognosis of malignant lymphoma is generally poor. Here we evaluate the combination therapy (irradiation and chemotherapy) for malignant lymphoma in the palatine tonsill.From 1966 to 1971, 61 patients of malignant lymphoma were treated by radiotherapy alone. The 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates of these patients were 64, 47 and 36%. Since 1972, 49 patients have been treated by combination therapy. Vincristine 0.02mg/kg/week intravenously, Endoxan 10mg/kg/2 weeks intravenously and Predonisolone 60mg/day for 5 days every two weeks by mouth were administered to patients for 6 weeks from the beginning of the treatment and the patients were boosted once every 6 months for maintenance therapy by the same method for 2 years. The 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates were 82, 60 and 60%. The difference in the survival curve between the radiotherapy group and the combination therapy was significant. (P>0.1) In the Stage I group, the difference in the survival rate between the two groups was not significant. The survival rate of 0-1 year and 2-3 years of Stage II with the combination therapy was significantly higher than that with radiation therapy alone. The prognosis of Stage III and IV patients without chemotherapy was remarkably poor but that with chemotherapy has been improved.We consider it necessary for Stage II, III and IV patients to continue the combination therapy for more than 2 years. The tumor cells of patients were classified into T, B and Non-T, Non-B lymphoma by the immunological method. Fifteen patients were B-cell-type, 7 were Non-T, Non-B cell-type and 3 were T-cell-type. The prognosis of Non-T, Non-B lymphoma is better than that of B and T-lymphoma. The prognosis of T-cell lymphoma in the palatine tonsill is better than that in other areas.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
藤谷 哲造
高原 哲夫
小笠原 寛
小笠原 寛
服部 浩
高原 哲夫
今城 吉成
藤谷 哲造
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