A case of periosteal desmoid tumor originating in the temporal bone.
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A 48-year old woman had complained of swelling of the right mastoid since 1977 and noticed hearing loss on the right and stenosis of the right external auditory canal in 1981. Surgery was performed in the same year, and the pathological diagnosis was periosteal desmoid tumor.Periosteal desmoid tumor is considered to be on the borderline between benign and malignant. Local recurrence is frequent, but so far, she has not had any local recurrence. In our review of the literature we found no reports of periosteal desmoid tumor originating from the periosteum of the temporal bone.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
谷口 郷美
松山 文彦
岡田 聡
深澤 高士
星野 鉄雄
石田 春彦
岡田 聡
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