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Tumors of the parapharyngeal space are relatively rare. Parotid gland tumor and neurogenic tumor account for 80per cent of them.We have treated four patients with parapharyngeal benign mixed tumors originating in the parotid gland. Two had dumb-bell shaped tumors, and the parotid portions were swollen. These tumors arose in the retromandibular portion of the parotid gland and extended into the parapharyngeal space through the stylomandibular tunnel.The other two patients had round tumors, and the parotid portions were not swollen. These tumors arose in the stylomandibular process of the parotid gland or inferior extension of the parotid gland inferior to the stylomandibular ligament. They also extended into the parapharyngeal space.In all four patients, there was bulging of the soft palate and tonsillar fossa. The tumors were elastic, hard and movable on bimanual examination.Surgical removal of the parapharyngeal mixed tumors should be done by an external approach because of the small risk of hemorrhage and nerve injury as well as the advantage of sufficient exposure. A transparotid approach is appropriate for dumb-bell tumors and a transcervical approach for round tumors.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
谷口 郷美
松山 文彦
柴 裕子
柴 裕子
堀井 勝
溝尻 源太郎
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