3123 建築用6脚小型ショベルの研究開発 : CAD力学モデルによる機構設計と歩行の挙動解析(移動ロボット)
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The interior demolition work of the building is a necessary recycling work for environmental conservation and effective usage of resources. The conventional moving method of a mini shovel used for interior demolition work is a crawler. However, a crawler scratches road surface and floor, and it lacks stability of the body when going up and down the stairs. The purpose of this study is to develop six-legged mini shovel as a novel moving method. The six-legged mini shovel was developed based on mini shovel SK09SR for the interior demolition work on the market. The parameters of leg mechanism is decided by the reachable region of the legs, which is necessary for going up and down the stairs, and the 3D-CAD dynamic model was made based on the measurement of the legs. Then, the mechanism is designed based on constraints of maximum output of hydraulic cylinder and maximum output quantity of hydraulic pump. In addition, the design of the control system considering characteristics of hydraulic cylinder, and the effectiveness of the design technique of the mechanism are shown by the result of the walking analysis with CAD dynamic model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-08-08
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