56(P15) オビスギ(Cryptomeria japonica D. DON)の殺蟻成分について(ポスター発表の部)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl. commonly has utilized wooden houses in japan. These has high durability which were means antifungi and termite-resistance. The termiticidal substances of C. japonica are not reported yet. Therefore, the termiticidal substances of C. japonica were examined. The heartwood of C. japonica was shown highly the termiticidal activities by termite test. It was found that termiticidal activity of the ethanol extractives from the heartwood of C. japonica was transfer into neutral fraction. The neutral fraction was chromatographed on a silica-gel column using chlorform, chlorform/methanol, methanol, 8 fractions were obtained. The termiticidal activity of fraction 4 had remarkable. Other fractions did not shown termiticidal activity. The fraction 4 was rechromatographed on a silica-gel column using hexane, hexane/acetone methanol, 6 fractions was obtained. The termiticidal activity of fraction 4-2 had remarkable. The fractionation of the fraction 4-2 by HPLC was conducted using a,μBONDASPHERE C-18 column(1.9×15cm), detection was carried out by 326nm, and obtained 4 fractions. The fraction 4-2-2 had highly termiticidal activity. Other fractions did not shown termiticidal activity. The fraction 4-2-2 was further separated to same HPLC, and obtained three compounds. These compounds had highly termiticidal activity. Finally, the termiticidal compounds from the heartwood of C. japonica were identified compound 1 (β-eudesmol), compound 2 (sandaracopimarinol) and compound 3 (16-phyllocladanol) respectively, through comparision of spectrum data of ^1H-NMR, ^<13>C-NMR, FAB-MS.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1998-08-31
阿部 フミ子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuoka University
山内 辰郎
曽我部 昭好
曽我部 昭好
金城 一彦
屋我 嗣良
ギンサンワーン スウントンウォン
阿部 フミ子
山内 辰郎
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- 56(P15) オビスギ(Cryptomeria japonica D. DON)の殺蟻成分について(ポスター発表の部)
- G202 アサギマダラの産卵刺激物質 : (1)キジョランに含まれる活性物質(生理活性物質)
- C302 リュウキュウアサギマダラの産卵刺激物質(2) : アルカロイド類の協力作用(生理活性物質)
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