- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurements on the drifting and the direction of the drifting of ships due to wind action, while their engines were stopping, were made by means of radar watching directed to a corner reflector on a buoy connected to the salmon gill net, which was hardly affected by the wind action. From 30 observations during the cruises of the "Oshoro Maru" II every summer 1957 to 1959, and 47 observations during the cruise of the "Oshoro Maru" III in the summer of 1963, in Aleutian Waters and the Bering Sea, the following results were obtained ; 1) In the "Oshoro Maru" II, the ship became to receive the wind a little ahead the beam, while in the "Oshoro Maru" III, the ship became to receive the wind a little abaft the beam. Both ships were drifting leeward to a little ahead the beam, not in the same direction as the wind. 2) On the relationship between the drifting velocity of the ships and the wind velocity, the following experimental equation was obtained: "Oshoro Maru" II when: S/S_ω=1.66 v=0.119W then: v=0.092√<S/S_ω>W "Oshoro Maru" III when: S/S_ω=1.90 v=0.136W then: v=0.098√<S/S_ω>W when: S: Longitudinal projected area of ship above water-line (m^2) S_ω : Longitudinal projected area of ship above water-line (m^2) v: Dirfting velocity (kt) W: Wind velocity (m/sec)
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1963-12-25
- コーナーリフレクターの監視を妨げる海面反射の範囲測定について
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- 1957年アリユウシヤン海域に於ける各種網目流網並に三枚網によるサケマス流網試験
- 緯度の変化に基く自差変動の実測結果に就いて(日本航海学会第14回講演会)
- おしよろ丸の漂流について
- 漂流特性による漁具監視法(日本航海学会第44回講演会)
- 風圧による船舶の横偏流について-I(日本航海学会第31回講演会)
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