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The genesis of major groups of xenoliths from the Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the eastern part of Baikal Rift System is considered on the basis of petrology and mineral chemistry. Reconstructed mantle sections beneath the Vitim field appear to be more complex than beneath the Udokan field due to significant modification by hydrous metasomatic melts. Peridotite xenoliths from the Miocene picrobasalts represent garnet and spinel depth facies. Pyroxenite xenoliths are interpreted as products of three types of the melt. The first forms Cr-diopside pyroxenites, it is an interstitial melt migrating through peridotite, and it is similar to melts described in peridotite massifs as undergoing percolative fractionation. Textural and compositional relationships indicate melt segregation and fractionation under the high-pressure conditions towards Al-rich pyroxenites and - at shallower levels - towards sp-websterites. The second and third melt types form the hydrous veins and megacrystic pyroxenites, respectively. Both were crystallized in larger channels relative to the first melt type, whereby the amphibole- and phlogopite-bearing assemblages may represent smaller channels on a scale of dozen centimeters. Three series of peridotite xenoliths from Pliocene basanites were determined: (1) high-T garnet and spinel lherzolites, (2) low-T spinel lherzolites and harzburgites, (3) low-T titaniferous spinel lherzolites. Protogranular peridotites of the Series 1 represent primitive to moderately depleted mantle from the depths 60-80km at T=1100-1250℃. Trace element patterns in clinopyroxenes are indicative of low degree partial melting of the primitive mantle. Peridotites of the Series 2 correspond to the depths 40-50km at T=800-900℃. Titaniferous peridotites enriched in pyroxenes and spinel were newly detected. They have a mosaic equigranular texture and are suggested to be a rare type of melt/mantle interaction. T-estimations within 750-850℃ projected to a geotherm allow to interprete their correspondence to the uppermost mantle section (40-50km depth). High Ti content (TiO_2=0.55% in the bulk rock) may characterize a metasomatizing melt generated from ilmenite- and/or phlogopite-bearing source. Clinopyroxene REE patterns (La/Yb)_n=0.01-0.08) reveal an evidence for MORB-like composition of coexisting melt. Xenoliths from the Pliocene basanites of Kuas Lake (Udokan field) show variation of unhydrous depletion and enrichment of lower lithosphere. Xenoliths correspond to spinel facies and may be divided into lherzolite, harzburgite and dunite, and websterite groups. Depleted nodules contain clinopyroxene enriched in LREE and depleted in HFSE. This enrichment is explained by reactive percolation of small melt fraction and accompanying melting of peridotites. Harzburgite-dunite veins seem to be located at the lower part of mantle column and have been formed by olivine-producing reaction with increasing of melt fraction. Lherzolite and websterite are located at the middle and upper part of column and have been formed by pyroxene-producing reaction with decreasing of melt fraction.論文Article
- 東北大学の論文
- 2000-03-31
宮本 毅
谷口 宏充
宮本 毅
宮本 毅
藤巻 宏和
LITASOV Konstantin
Litasov Yury
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- ロシア・南バイカルKhenteyドーム、Burkal川流域に産するマントル捕獲岩中の単斜輝石の微量元素研究
- 有珠火山1977年噴火におけるプリニアン噴出物
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- 中国における活火山
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- A50 白頭山北東麓の埋没樹幹の^Cウイグルマッチング(火山発達史と地質,口頭発表)
- B46 伊豆大島火山1951年溶岩流の表面形態と石基組織(堆積メカニズム,口頭発表)
- PB05 霧島火山群・御鉢火山片添スコリア噴火のマグマ供給系 : 複数のマグマ溜りからの同時噴出
- A37 南九州における第四紀カルデラ活動の成因
- 中国河北省張家口地区万全県漢〓坎玄武岩の地球化学的研究
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- 誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による岩石試料の微量元素の定量分析
- カムチャッカにおける爆発的火山活動
- ロシア・東部バイカル地域におけるマントル進化
- A28 火山噴出物から推定される成層マグマ溜り : 苦鉄質マグマ溜りの構造について
- 江原幸雄編著, 『中国大陸の火山・地熱・温泉』
- A61 火山爆発のエネルギー量・深度と地表現象とを結ぶスケーリング則確立のための研究戦略
- 愛知県設楽地域に分布する瀬戸内火山岩類のK-Ar年代
- 中部モンゴルツアガンツアイルウルの深成岩の地質学的岩石学的研究
- 小笠原群島父島に産する高Caおよび低Caボニナイト
- P01 霧島火山群・新燃岳享保噴火(1716-1717年噴火)のマグマシステム(ポスターセッション)
- B1-16 十和田火山平安噴火におけるマグマ噴火-マグマ水蒸気噴火推移と本質物質変化の関係(火山地質,口頭発表)
- 無人火山探査車MOVEの開発とその運用課題(無人観測ロボット)
- 無人火山探査車MOVEの開発とその運用課題
- B3-10 北海道駒ケ岳eテフラ(Ko-e)の給源火山 : B-Tm下位の白頭山起源テフラの発見(噴火プロセス,口頭発表)