ACUTE STATIC STRETCHING REDUCES POWER OUTPUT DURING ISOTONIC MUSCLE ACTION(Proceedings of The 8^<th> Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress 2005 Tokyo)
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PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to clarify the effect of static stretching on muscular performance with concentric isotonic muscle actions under various loads. METHODS: Concentric isotonic leg extension power outputs were assessed in 12 healthy male subjects after two types of pre-treatment. The pre-treatments included 1) static stretching (SS) treatment performing static stretching of leg extensors, and 2) non-stretching (NS) treatment by resting in a sitting position. Loads during the assessment of the power output were set to 5%, 30% and 60% of the maximum voluntary contractile (MVC) torque with isometric leg extension in each subject. RESULTS: The peak power output following the SS treatment was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that following the NS treatment under each load. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that static stretching significantly reduces power output with concentric isotonic muscle actions under various loads. This result suggests that static stretching decreases power performance.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 2006-10-01
Yamanaka Masanori
Department Of Health Sciences Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Ishii Kojiro
Laboratory Of Human Performance And Fitness Graduate School Of Education Hokkaido University
Department of Sports Medicine and Joint Reconstruction Surgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School
Laboratory of Human Performance and Fitness, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University
Yasuda Kazunori
Department Of Sports Medicine And Joint Reconstruction Surgery Graduate School Of Medicine Hokkaido
Yasuda Kazunori
Department Of Clinical Biomechanics Hokkaido University.
Yamaguchi Taichi
Laboratory Of Human Performance And Fitness Graduate School Of Education Hokkaido University:departm
Yamaguchi Taichi
Laboratory Of Food Ecology And Sports Science Department Of Foods Distribution Faculty Of Dairy Scie
Yamaguchi Taichi
Laboratory Of Biophysical Chemistry College Of Agriculture Osaka Prefecture University
Yamanaka Masanori
Department Of Physical Therapy School Of Medicine Hokkaido University
Yamanaka Masanori
Department Of Applied Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Ishii Kojiro
Laboratory Of Chromosome Function And Regulation Graduate School Of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University
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