Regulation by Organic Acids of Polysaccharide-mediated Microbe-plant Interactions
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A polysaccharide flocculant of Klebsiella pneumoniae H12 has been suggested to mediate microbe-plant interactions with the aid of Ca^<2+> [K. Nakata et al., Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 64,459-465,2000]. Here, two-way regulation of polysaccharide-mediated interactions between K. pneumoniae and Raphanus sativus was studied using organic acids. Namely, 10 mM equivalents of organic acids promoted production of the polysaccharide by the bacterium, but inhibited flocculation of bacterial cells by the polysacch aride. These phenomena were counterbalanced by equi-molar equivalents of Ca^<2+>, suggesting competition for Ca^<2+> between the carboxylic residues of the polysaccharide and those of the aliphatic acids. By electron microscopy observations, bacterial cell aggregates were sparsely distributed over the main roots and root hairs, had various sizes, and seemed to tightly adhere to root tissues. Their shapes seemed to be distorted and abundant in cavities. In brief, these microscopical observations may be explained by a two-way regulation system of bacterial adhesion to a plant by organic acids.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2000-10-23
Central Research Laboratories, Mercian Corporation
Kobayashi Tohru
Extremobiosphere Research Center of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Kobayashi T
Extremobiosphere Research Center Of Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology (jamstec)
Nakata K
Central Research Laboratories Mercian Corporation
Nakata Kuniho
Japan Bioindustry Association
Nakata Kuniho
Central Research Laboratories Mercian Corporation
Yamaguchi Takayuki
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University Engineering Department
Yamaguchi Taichi
Laboratory Of Biophysical Chemistry College Of Agriculture Osaka Prefecture University
Yamaguchi T
Department Biochemistry National Institute Of Agrobiological Science
Nakata K
Japan Bioindustry Association
Chemistry of Organic Resources Laboratory, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology
Chemistry of Organic Resources Laboratory, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology
Chemistry of Organic Resources Laboratory, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Technology
Yamaguchi Tatsuaki
Chemical Laboratory, Chiba Institute of Technology
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