- 論文の詳細を見る
In baseball games, foul balls sometimes fly into the spectators seats. Some person can be seriously wounded for those balls. In the Kagawa high school baseball federation, the measure that persons in charge whistle when a foul ball mes toward a stand is taken. This research aims at developing a system which computes the orbit of a foul ball on real time using a camera, predictes of the spot where foul balls fall and informs spectators about danger. By using a computer, more exact and quick notification is expected compared with the case where man carries out. This paper reports the image analysis part of the system developed until now. Detection of balls consists of following three steps: At first each frame is processed using smothing filter for noise reduction. Next, temporal Laplacian are made from series of those filterd images. Finally, whether a part of a ball or not is judged for each pixels by translation the resultant images into polar coordinates.
- 香川高等専門学校の論文
- 2004-06-30
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