Estimation of the Minority Carrier Diffusion Length by Near-Field Photocurrent Measurement of p-n Junction in Silicon using Multiwavelength Excitation
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Near-field photocurrent measurement is applied for the characterization of p-n junction of silicon devices. By using a multiwavelength excitation source, the penetration depth into the silicon substrate can be tuned from 10 nm to 685 nm. We have measured the minority carrier diffusion length from near-field photocurrent signals. The minority carrier diffusion lengths of an electron L_n and a hole L_p are estimated as 0.47 and 0.37 μm.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-05-15
Fukuda Hiroaki
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology:research
OHTSU Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ohtsu M
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Information Systems School Of Engineering The University Of
Ohtsu Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
KADOTA Yasushi
Research and Development Center, RICOH Co. Ltd.
Kadota Yasushi
Research And Development Center Ricoh Co. Ltd.
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