Generation of Phase Conjugate Wave from a Visible InGaAlP Laser
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This paper presents the first quantitatively measured results of detuning and spatial characteristics of the phase conjugate wave which is emitted from a Fabry-Perot cavity-type InGaAlP laser. Bandwidth of a nearly-degenerate four-wave mixing was confirmed to be due to the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser. The reflectivity of the phase conjugate mirror and the amplification gain were larger than 10 and 100, respectively. By the off-axial injectioin of the probe beam to a broad stripe laser, the emitted phase conjugate wave was separated spatially from the pump beam. Non-degenerate four-wave mixing characteristics of an AlGaAs laser were also measured for the first time. Its 3-dB cutoff frequency was as large as 0.1 THz, which was determined by the reciprocal of the halfcycle time of the intracavity light-wave.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-03-15
OHTSU Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Awaji Yoshinari
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ohtsu Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Teramachi Y
Department Of Information Engineering University Of Industrial Technology
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SUZUKI Hiromasa
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Information Engineering, University of Industrial Technology
Sayama Shuji
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Suzuki Hiromasa
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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