Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser Based on the ^<85>Rb-D_2 Line
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1982-09-20
OHTSU Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tako Toshiharu
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ohtsu Motoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
OURA Nobunori
Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
Tsuchida Hidemi
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tako Toshiharu
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electonics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
OHTSU Motoichi
International Cooperation Center for Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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- Fabrication of an Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Functional Probe of Sub-Micron Size by Photochemical Vapor Deposition
- Development of All-Semiconductor Laser Sources for Studies of ^Sr^+ Ions Confined in RF Trap
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- Iodine A bsorption-Line-Stabilized Frequency-Tunable Green Light Using Sum-Frequency Generation of Diode Lasers
- Vibration Analysis of Tuning Fork for Clock by Using the Speckle Method
- Orientational Order of Surface-Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Frequency Stability of an H_2CO-Stabilized He-Xe Laser in an Axial Magnetic Field
- AC Measurement of Seebeck Coefficient in Disk-Shaped Semiconductors Using CW-Lasers
- Excitation Spectrum of 3.39 μm Tansmission Modulation by Tunable CW-CO_2 Laser in p-Ge
- Theory of CW-Laser-Induced Dynamic Grating by Inter-Valence-Band Absorption in p-Type Semiconductors
- CW-Laser Induced Dynamic Grating and Subpicosecond Hole Relaxation Time in p-Ge
- Continuous Wavelength Sweep of External Cavity 630 nm Laser Diode without Antireflection Coating on Output Facet
- Nonlinear Mechanism of I-V Characteristics of MBM Diodes in Low Voltage Region
- Fabrication of a Ferromagnetic-Coated Fiber Probe with a Double-Layer Structure(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
- Selective Meltbacked Substrate Inner-Stripe AlGaAs/GaAs Lasers Operated under Room Temperature CW Condition
- High Resolution Stark Spectroscopy of H_2CO at 3.51 μm by Saturated Absorption
- Frequency Stabilization of a He-Xe Laser Using a Stark Spectrum in H_2CO
- Asymmetrical Lamb Dip in a High-Gain 3.5 μm Xenon Laser. : II. Analysis of Experimental Results
- Asymmetrical Lamb Dip in a High-Gain 3.5 μm Xenon Laser. : I. Experiments
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- Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Lasers with External Grating Feedback
- A Novel Technique for Measuring the Frequency Deviation of Semiconductor Lasers Under Direct Modulation
- Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser Based on the ^Rb-D_2 Line
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- Structure of Striped Domains in Cholesteric-Nematic Mixtures
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- Generation of Phase Conjugate Wave from a Visible InGaAlP Laser
- Defects in Synthetic Quartz and the Q-Values of the - 18.5°X-Cut Bar : Communication Devices and Materials
- High-Speed Frequency Stabilization of AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser
- Achievements of the Quantum Noise Limited Frequency Stability in AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser
- Linewidth Measurement of a Single Longitudinal Mode AlGaAs Laser with a Fabry-Perot Interferometer
- Frequency Stabilization of a He-^Ne Laser by Intracavity Polarization Spectroscopy of CH_4. II
- Observation of Saturated Absorption of the 3.39 μm Line in an External CH_4 Cell
- Rectifying Properties of W-Ni Point Contact Diode in CO_2 Laser Radiation
- Mode Competition in the 3.51 μm He-Xe Laser in an Axial Magnetic Field
- Relation Between Frequency and Intensity Stabilities in AlGaAs Semiconductor Laser
- Interference Method Using Polychromatic Light for the Determination of Refractive Indices and Birefringence of Liquid Crystals
- Limit of the Frequency Stability in AlGaAs Semiconductor Lasers
- A Simple Technique for Obtaining a Stable Frequency Sweep in a Waveguide CO_2 Laser
- Effect of Cell Width on the Structure of Williams Domain
- Analysis of Rb Optical Pumping Light Sources
- Ultrahigh Scanning Speed Optical Coherence Tomography Using Optical Frequency Comb Generators : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Birefringence of n-Type Nematic Liquid Crystals Due to Electrically Induced Deformations of Vertical Alignment
- Saturated Absorption under Two-Mode Laser Oscillation
- Derivation of the spectral Width of a 0.8μm AlGaAs Laser Considering 1/f Noise
- A New Method for Determination of Line-Shape Parameters of High-Gain Laser Transition
- Accurate Wavelength Measurements of the Absorption Lines in H_2O Vapor by a 0.8 μm AlGaAs Laser
- Successive Transitions in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
- Effect of the Temperature on the Electrohydrodynamic Instabilities in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Accurate Measurements of the Wavelengths and Material Constants of 1.5 μm InGaAsP/InP Lasers
- Spectral Measurements of NH_3 and H_2O for Pollutant Gas Monitoring by 1.5 μm InGaAsP/InP Lasers
- Temporally Ordered Structure of a Nematic Liquid Crystal
- Linewidth Reduction of a 1.5 μm InGaAsP Laser by Electrical Feedback
- Sub-MHz Doppler-Free Spectral Line of 5^1S_0-5^3P_1 Intercombination Transition in Strontium
- Accumulative Atom Detection by Magneto-Optical Trap for Near-Field Optical Funnel
- Signal Intensity Characteristics of the ^Rb Double Resonanace due to the Pumping Light
- Temperature Dependence of Hyperfine Spectrum of Rb D_1 Line
- Spectral Profiles of the ^Rb Pumping Light Source
- Cause of Coherent Oscillation of Domains of Nematic Liquid Crystals in DC Electric Field