Spectral Dependence of Night-break Effect on Photoperiodic Floral Induction in Lemna paucicostata 441
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A single dark period of longer than 8 hr induced flowering in Lemna paucicostata 441 cultured in E medium. Monochromatic lights of 450, 550, 650 and 750 nm with a half-power bandwidth of 9 nm given for I O min at the 8th hour of a 14-hr dark period inhibited flowering. The fluence rates required for 50% inhibition were 10. 0.5, 0.1 and 3μmol・m^<-2>・sec^<-1>, respectively. When applied between the 4th and the 1Oth hour of the dark period, lights of 450, 550 and 650 nm were inhibitory showing a maximum effect at the 8th hour. But 750-nm light completely inhibited flowering when applied at any time during the first 8 hr of the dark period. The inhibitory effect of 750-nm light given at the beginning of the dark period was totally reversed by a subsequent exposure to 650-nm light, and the fluence-response curves for the effect of 750-nm light given at the O, 4th and 8th hour were essentially the same. This suggests that the presence of P_<FR> is crucial for the floral initiation throughout the first 8 hr of the inductive dark period. The role of phytochrome in the photoperiodic flower induction of L. paucicostata is discussed.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
Furuya Masaki
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology
Furuya Masaki
Department Of Botany Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Saji Hikaru
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology:(present)division Of Environm
Saji Hikaru
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology:laboratory Of Applied Botany
Saji Hikaru
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory of Experimental Biology
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture
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