Characterization of Green Tissue-Specific Phytochrome Isolated Immunochemically from Pea Seedlings
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Phytochrome was isolated and purified from light-grown pea (Pisum sativum) seedlings and compared with that from dark-grown seedlings in terms of spectral and immunochemical properties. Approximately 40% of phytochrome in the brushite eluate prepared from light-grown pea tissue bound with a monoclonal anti-pea phytochrome antibody (mAP3), but the remaining 60% did not. Both phytochrome fractions showed a typical photoreversible absorbance change after alternate red and far-red actinic irradiations, which was similar to that of phytochrome from etiolated pea tissue. The peptide mapping of the mAP3-bound phytochrome from light-grown tissue was essentially the same as that of the mAP3-bound phytochrome from etiolated tissue. However, the digestion pattern of the phytochrome that was prepared from light-grown tissue but which did not bind to mAP3 was obviously different from that of mAP3-bound phytochrome. Polyclonal anti-pea phytochrome antibodies and mAP5 and 10, however, bound to both the phytochromes. These results suggest that light-grown tissue contains two phytochrome pools which are distinct from each other with respect to the primary structure of the phytochrome polypeptide but which share a few common determinant sites.
- 日本植物生理学会の論文
古谷 雅樹
古谷 雅樹
Furuya Masaki
Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory Hatoyama
Furuya Masaki
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology
Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
Furuya M
Riken Inst. Saitama Jpn
Abe Hiroshi
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka National Hospital
Nagatani Akira
Division of Biological Regulation, National Institute for Basic Biology
Nagatani Akira
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology:(permanent)department Of Biol
Nagatani Akira
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology
Yamamoto K
National Inst. Basic Biology Okazaki Jpn
Yamamoto K
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Yamamoto Kotaro
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology
Abe H
Kumiai Chemical Ind. Co. Ltd. Shizuoka Jpn
長谷 あきら
Department Of Botany Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Abe Hiroshi
Division Of Biological Regulation National Institute For Basic Biology:laboratory For Plant Biologic
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