Metal Elution and Content of Fused Slags Produced from Incinerated Ash
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In recent years, trials to reuse fused slags, obtained through the further treatment of incinerated ash produced in the process of the disposal of garbage or sewer sludge, such as for building materials including bricks, have drawn attention. To establish the safety of using such substances, elution tests for metals and metal contents were investigated in this study. As the result of examining 13 slags, which were made by different methods, little elution of toxic metals was found in the elution tests when water was used as a solvent. However when acid was used, there was a tendency for the elution of many kinds of metals to become greater. On other hand, the results of content measurements showed that arsenic and selenium, which were not seen to be eluted from any of the slags tested, were detected ; and that aluminum and manganese existed in the slags in high concentrations.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2004-11-01
杉山 英男
木津 良一
木津 良一
杉山 英男
Department of Psychiatry, University of Tsukuba Hospital
杉山 英男
Dep. Of Environmental Health National Inst. Of Public Health
Sugiyama Hideo
Department Of Environmental Health National Institute Of Public Health
Kobayashi J
Dep. Of Epidemiology And Environmental Health Juntendo Univ. School Of Medicine
Kizu Ryoichi
Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University
TORII Kazuyuki
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
Sugiyama Hidetoshi
Kanagawa Environmental Research Center
杉山 英男
Kizu Ryoichi
金沢大学 自然科学研究科
Kizu R
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kanazawa University
Torii K
Department Of Civil Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kanazawa University
Torii Kazuyuki
Department Of Civil Engineering Kanazawa University
Sugiyama Hideo
Dep. Of Environmental Health National Inst. Of Public Health
Kobayashi Jun
Department Of Health Science Faculty Of Medicine Kanazawa University:department Of Environmental Hea
Department of Applied Science, School of Veterinary Nursing and Technology, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, 1–7–1 Kyounan, Musashino, Tokyo 180–8602, Japan
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