フタル酸ジ-n-ブチルのマウス体内分布と代謝ならびに核酸, 蛋白質との相互作用
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^<14>C-labeled dibutyl phthalate (DBP), one of the most widely utilized plasticizers, when administered orally to mice at a dose of 0.94μCi/25μg/mouse, was rapidly metabolized and excreted. The total radioactivity remaining 8 hr after the administration in 10 kinds of the organs or tissues examined was not more than 1% of the administered activity. One hour after the administration, the highest radioactivity per organ and per wet weight of tissue was detected in the liver (2.25% of the administered) and the kidney (100 dpm/mg wet tissue), respectively. In these two organs, ^<14>C-DBP was metabolized to ^<14>C-monobutyl phthalate (MBP) and ^<14>C-phthalic acid, and the former was the major metabolite. Although DBP and MBP interacted with DNA in vitro, no radioactivity was recovered from the DNA of ^<14>C-DBP-treated cells of mouse liver, possibly because ^<14>C-DBP and its metabolites were hardly transported into the nuclei.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1978-09-25
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