放射線化学反応による抗生物的活性物質の形成について : クロラムフェニコール分子を構成する成分混合物のγ線照射による抗菌作用の出現(薬理学)
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In order to develop a new molecular species of compounds with antibiological activities by the application of radiation-chemical reactions, a model experiment was carried out to see whether chloramphenicol would be formed by irradiation of ^<50>Co γ-ray to some mixtures of nitrobenzene, p-nitrophenol, or p-bromonitrobenzene, and 2-dichloroacetamido-propane-1,3-diol. The results showed that after irradiation of 100-200×10^4 R, antibacterial activities against E. coli and St. aureus of only the aqueous mixture of nitrobenzene and 2-dichloro-acetamidopropane-1,3-diol were about 4-8 times greater than those of each irradiated component or of the mixture of each irradiated component. No formation of chloramphenicol itself was, however confirmed in the irradiation products by means of paper chromatography, bioautography, radiopaper chromatography, or Sephadex G-10 gel filtration.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1972-01-25
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- 放射線化学反応による抗生物的活性物質の形成について : クロラムフェニコール分子を構成する成分混合物のγ線照射による抗菌作用の出現(薬理学)