Compound 48/80によるラット腹腔肥胖細胞からのヒスタミン遊離に対する2,4-Bis(2-hydroxybenzamido)benzoic Acid(AB-23)の阻害作用
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Based on the report that 2,4-bis (2-acetoxybenzamido) benzoic acid (AB-50) gives an anti-allergic effect, which was attributed to its membrane-stabilizing effect resulting in the inhibition of antigen-induced histamine release from the mast cells, interaction of 2,4-bis (2-hydroxybenzamido) benzoic acid (AB-23), an active form of AB-50 in the body, with rat peritoneal mast cells was examined. Histamine release from the peritoneal cells induced by compound 48/80 was compared in the cells pretreated with AB-23 and those with a buffer solution alone, and less degree of histamine release was observed for AB-23-treated cells. Extent of the inhibition by AB-23 pretreatment depended on its concentration and also on the time and temperature of treatment. When the cells were incubated at 37°in the presence of AB-23 or ^<14>C-AB-23,the inhibitory effect and the amount of radio-activity in the cells increased with the incubation time. On the other hand, when treated at 0°, the cells showed no inhibitory effect of the chemical and poor incorporation of ^<14>C-AB-23. The inhibition of histamine release by AB-23 pretreatment was easily recovered, and responsiveness of the cells to compound 48/80 was restored by standing AB-23-pretreated cells at 37°but not by standing at 0°. Residual radioactivity within the cells pretreated with ^<14>C-AB-23 progressively decreased while standing at 37°, whereas the radioactivity remained constant at 0°. These results indicated that AB-23 was incorporated into the cytoplasma and/or membrane of mast cells at 37°, but not at 0°, to inhibit the histamine release induced by compound 48/80.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1976-10-25
大杉 義征
大杉 義征
松野 隆
高垣 善男
東平 靖雄
東平 靖雄
中外製薬 綜合研:昭和大(歯)生化学
松野 隆
高垣 善男
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