- 論文の詳細を見る
Several chemical reactions of epoxylathyrol^<3,4)> (I) were investigated. Catalytic hydrogenation of I gave dihydro I compound, mp 65-68°. Treatment of I with perbenzoic acid gave an epoxy derivative (III), mp 198-200°. Mild alkaline hydrolysis of I yielded a triol, mp 207-209°, C_<20>H_<30>O_5・H_2O, which readily underwent addition with diazomethane to give a pyrazole derivative, mp 100-102°, C_<21>H_<32>O_5N_2・H_2O. Treatment of I with oxalic acid in glacial acetic acid gave a product (IX), mp 207-209°, C_<33>H_<42>O_<10>・H_2O, which exhibited a free hydroxyl absorption at 3450 cm^<-1> and lost the conjugated carbonyl group in its infrared spectrum. In the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of IX, a methyl group attached to the double bond and the olefinic proton disappeared, and three acetyl groups appeared at δ1.99,2.04,and 2.21,indicating that one new acetyl group was formed. The methine carrying the new acetyl group, appeared as a doublet at δ4.62 (J=8.0 Hz), indicating a partial structure of [chemical formula]. The spectral properties could be explained with structure IX. This acid-catalyzed transannular cyclization would be initiated by a nucleophilic attack to yield an intermediate (IX-A), which would undergo cleavage of the epoxy ring (IX-B) followed by transannular addition to give compound IX. On the other hand, treatment of I with hydrogen halides in tetrahydrofuran gave the corresponding halides, C_<32>H_<41>O_8Cl (VII), mp 219-221°, C_<32>H_<41>O_8Br (VIII), mp 175-178°, whose epoxy ring would be opened and hydrogen halide added to it.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1973-08-25
- Studies on the Constituents of Cimicifuga spp. XIII. Structure of Cimicifugoside
- Microbiological Transformation of (-)-Kaur-16-en-19-oic Acid
- A Revised Structure of Tomatillidine
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- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第7報) : Cimicifugenolの構造
- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第6報) : 25-O-Acetylcimigenosideと25-O-Methylcimigenosideの構造
- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第5報) : オオバショウマの成分 その5 : 25-O-Acetylcimigenol, Dehydroxy-15-O-methylcimigenolおよび15-O-Methylcimigenolの構造
- 43 イノコステロンの立体構造,合成および分離
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- Studies on the Constituents of Chloranthus spp. III. Six Sesquiterpenes from Chloranthus japonicus
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