3 ブラジルニンジンおよび数種のPfaffia属植物の成分研究(ポスター発表の部)
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The crude drug 'Brazil ginseng' has been used medicinally in Brazil, chiefly as a tonic, an aphrodisiac and as antidiabetic.1 In the course of our investigation of the constituents of 'Brazil ginseng', we found that at least two kinds of plants, Pfaffia paniculata and P. iresinoides (Amaranthaceae) were used for the preparation of the crude drug. From the former plant, pfaffic acid(1), the hexacyclic nortriterpene and its glycosides possessing cytotoxicity were isolated. While from the latter, a large amount of ecdysterone(2) was isolated together with three new ecdysteroid glycosides and novel yellow pigments, iresinoside A(5) and B(7). These results stimulate our interests in investigating another kinds of plants of this family, P. glomerata, P. pulverulenta and P. tuberosa. All of the plants, except P. paniculata contained 2 as the major component. From P. glomerata and P. pulverulenta, rubrosterone(8)9 regarded as ecdysteroid metabolite was isolated. Four new pfaffane-type nortriterpenes(9-12) were isolated from P. pulverulenta together with 1 and β-D-glucuronopyranosyl pfaffate(13). The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by chemical and extensive spectral analyses. ^<13>C NMR data(Table 3) were fully assigned by using 2D NMR techniques(^1H-^1H COSY, ^<13>C-^1H COSY, long-range ^<13>C-^1H COSY and INADEQUATE).
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1988-09-26
竹本 常松
竹本 常松
塩原 義則
西本 喜重
井ノ上 俊介
Oliveira F.
Akisue G.
Hashimoto G.
竹本 常松
徳島文理大 薬
西本 喜重
徳島文理大 薬
- Studies on the Constituents of Cimicifuga spp. XIII. Structure of Cimicifugoside
- Microbiological Transformation of (-)-Kaur-16-en-19-oic Acid
- A Revised Structure of Tomatillidine
- Studies on the Constituents of Chloranthus spp. II. The Sesquiterpenes from Chloranthus serratus
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- Studies on the Constituents of Chloranthus spp. I. The Structures of Two New Amides from Chloranthus serratus and the Isolation of Isofraxidin from C. japonicus
- Cacalia属植物の成分研究(第1報)ミミコウモリの成分 その1
- Cimicifuga属植物の成分研究(第7報) : Cimicifugenolの構造
- 43 イノコステロンの立体構造,合成および分離
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- 牛膝の成分研究(第2報) : 昆虫変態ホルモンの分離
- 牛膝の成分研究(第1報)
- 生薬および植物の昆虫変態活性(その1)
- Stimulatory Effect of Insect-Metamorphosing Steroids from Achyranthes and Cyathula on Protein Synthesis in Mouse Liver
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- 81 紅藻類ハナヤナギから単離された殺虫活性物質の構造
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- 12 アマチャヅルのサポニン成分
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- 34 使君子の成分キスカル酸の構造
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- 3 ブラジルニンジンおよび数種のPfaffia属植物の成分研究(ポスター発表の部)
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- 34 Sulfomycin Iの構造(口頭発表の部)
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