Improvement of the Rectal Bioavailability of Latamoxef Sodium by Adjuvants Following Administration of a Suppository
- 論文の詳細を見る
The absorption of an antibiotic, latamoxef sodium (LMOX), following the rectal administration of a suppository containing adjuvants was investigated. A lipophilic base (Witepsol H15) was used. The rectal absorption of LMOX following the administration of a suppository without adjuvants was very low. Diclofenac sodium (DF) was used as an absorption promoter ; it enhances rectal membrane permeability. The blood level of LMOX following the addition of DF (10 mg) to the base was increased only about 1.3-fold compared with that achieved with LMOX alone (difference not significant) ; even with a higher dose of DF, the absorption of LMOX was not sufficient. The release rate of LMOX from the base was slow. When Tween 80,a non-ionic surfactant, was added to improve the release rate of LMOX, the rate was sufficiently increased. The rectal absorption of LMOX on the addition of both Tween 80 and DF was markedly increased compared to that achieved with LMOX alone or with DF. These results indicate that the rectal absorption of LMOX after administration by a suppository was sufficiently improved by enhancing both the release rate from the base and the membrane permeability of the rectum. Lymphatic uptake and blood levels of LMOX were also investigated after the rectal administration of the LMOX preparation containing both Tween 80 and DF ; the lymphatic uptake of LMOX was significantly enhanced compared with the LMOX preparation in which only DF was used as an adjuvant. The mechanism whereby adjuvants lead to the absorption of a non-absorbable drug, and the subsequent drug transportation routes through the membrane are discussed.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-11-15
中西 邦夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University
灘井 種一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University
政田 幹夫
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Fukui Medical School
中西 邦夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
政田 幹夫
益川 徹
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University
灘井 種一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
灘井 種一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Josai University
益川 徹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
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