Effects of Insulin on Transmucosal Fluid Movement and Intestinal Drug Absorption in Alloxan Diabetic Rats
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The effects of insulin on the transmucosal fluid movement and the intestinal absorption of sulfisoxazole and metoclopramide in alloxan diabetic rats were studied with perfusion solution adjusted to isotonicity with sodium chloride using the in situ recirculating perfusion method. Insulin was intravenously administered to diabetic rats in a dose of 3 unit/kg of body weight and the perfusions were started at one and half an hour after the hormone administration. When insulin was injected to the diabetics to decrease the high blood glucose, the transmucosal fluid inflow and the drug absorption were decreased along the corresponding regression line representing the relations between the blood glucose and the transmucosal fluid movement, and the drug absorption. The fluid inflow and the drug absorption from the entire small intestine and per unit dry weight of the intestine were always significantly less in the insulin received group than in the diabetic group. Moreover, the effect of insulin on an actively transported sodium absorption was also studied to compare with that of the drugs. A similar observation was obtained in this case. A possible mechanism of these decreased absorptions by insulin was discussed.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-05-25
北澤 式文
Department of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Hospital
上能 伊公雄
上能 伊公雄
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Nagoya University
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北澤 式文
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