A Large Capacity Photonic ATM Switch Based on Wavelength Division Multiplexing Technology
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Optical switching networks to transport vast amounts of information are important for B-ISDN services. The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is emerging as the dominant technology for future optical networks. This paper proposes a large capacity photonic ATM switch architecture using WDM technology. The switch consists of two stages. The first stage is a space switch and the second stage is a wavelength switch. The proposed switch is suitable for WDM optical ATM networks, that is, an input and an output of the switch are wavelength-division-multiplexed. The switch can provide very large ATM cell switching capacity, for instance, 10Tbit/s, with reasonable complexity. The main switch module of the proposed switch has a simple architecture, and reduces the amount of a buffer hardware by introducing the WDM concept.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1996-04-25
Okada H
Kansai Univ. Osaka Jpn
Okada H
Department Of Fermentation Technology Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Okada H
Nagaoka Univ. Technol. Niigata Jpn
Okada H
Nagoya City Univ. School Of Medicine Nagoya Jpn
Okada H
Department Of Fermentation Technology Facutly Of Enginering Osaka Univeristy
Choi Y
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
Tode H
Department Of Information Networking Osaka University
Ikeda H
The Department Of Information Systems Faculty Of Business Administration And Information Science Tok
Ikeda Hiromasa
The Faculty Of Business Administration And Information Science Tokyo University Of Information Scien
Ikeda Hiromasa
The Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Choi Youngbok
Korea Military Academy (kma)
OKADA Hiromi
the Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
CHOI Youngbok
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
TODE Hideki
the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
OKADA Hiromi
the Faculty of Engineering Science, Kansai University
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