- 論文の詳細を見る
To make a biophysical standard for histological identification of fish teeth, fluorescence and Raman-spectra are employed for typical teeth of various fish, such as the sea-bream, shark, trout, and hagfish in comparison with human teeth. The tooth tissues of sea-bream, mainly containing hydroxyapatite, resemble those of human teeth. In the teeth of the trout and hagfish, no difference can be found between the surface and deep layers and they appear like decalcified human cement. Shark teeth, rich in fluoroapatite, are much different from both human enamel and dentin. According to the similarity of Raman-band patterns, it is possible to arrange them in order from trout to sea-bream through the human enamel and finally to the shark. These suggest that the structural characteristics of teeth in the fish kingdom do not coincide with differentiation of human tooth tissues.
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
Yamashita Shinsuke
Department Of Chemistry Naruto University Of Teacher Education
Yamashita Shinsuke
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Naruto University Of Education
Yamashina Shohei
Dept. Pharmaceutical Science Tohoku University
Yamada Masa-oki
Dept. Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Tokushima University
YAMADA Masa-oki
Laboratory for Cytochemistry, Department of Anatomy, Tokushima University School of Medicine
Yamada Masa-oki
Laboratoy For Cytochemistry Department Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Tokushima University
Yamada Masa-oki
Laboratory For Cytochemistry Department Of Anatomy School Of Medicine The University Of Tokushima
Yamashita S
Keio Univ.
Laboratoy for Cytochemistry, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Tokushima University
Nishigori Ken
Laboratoy For Cytochemistry Department Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Tokushima University
Yamada Masaoki
Dept. Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Tokushima University
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