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Atomic absorption spectrometry of mercury utilizing the Hg I 184.9nm atomic line which is in the vacuum UV region has been investigated, and compared with that utilizing the atomic line at 253.7nm. The atomic line at 184.9nm is a resonance line, and has a larger oscillator strength (about 45 times) than that of the atomic line at 253.7nm. Therefore, it can be expected that better sensitivity is obtained by utilizing the atomic line at 184.9nm than at 253.7nm. In order to realize the measurement of mercury atomic absorption at 184.9nm, a conventional absorption-cell system was constructed. The cell is fixed inside a large Pyrex glass tube which includes an electrode-less discharge lamp of mercury, two quartz lenses and nitrogen gas inlets. The absorption-cell system was positioned jn front of the entrance slit of a monochromator. The monochromator was purged with argon gas. A cold vapor gneration method using a tin(II) chloride (3%) solution was used for the atomization of mercury from the sample solution. By using the conventional system mentioned above, the sensitivity (1% absorption) of mercury atomic absorption at 184.9nm was 0.23ng (or 0.23ng/ml), while that at 253.7nm was 1.2ng (or 1.2ng/ml). The relative standard deviation for 8 measurements at 184.9nm was about 4%, when a 10ng/ml Hg solution was used.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1978-11-05
不破 敬一郎
高橋 純一
田辺 潔
不破 敬一郎
不破 敬一郎
高橋 純一
原口 紘〓
原口 紘〓
原口 紘〓
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