ウイスキー香気成分に関する研究 : (第12報)製造工程における各種成分の挙動について : (その3)各種成分の物質収支について
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. A survey was made of the material balance of each component during the course of whisky malt manufacturing process. Almost all furfurol was formed during the first distilation, and considerable amount of ethyl esters of higher fatty acids, during the second distillation. The behavior in the distillation of various components of fusel alcohols were dissimilar. The change of β-phenyl ethyl alcohol during the process was perculiarly different from those of other componets.2. The behavior of each component of fusel alcohols during the distillation was observed to determine why the rate of fusel alcohols showed such a peculiarity among whisky malts and grain alcohols. By the first distillation, the rate of fusel alcohols, the values of isoamyl alcohol/isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol/propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol/propyl alcohol became slightly higher than those in wash. During the course of the second distillation, the value of isoamyl alcohol/isobutyl alcohol, though it was low at the begining, ascended gradually, but that of isoamyl alcohol/propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol/propyl alcohol, though it was high at the begining, descended gradually. The ratio of the fusel alcohols in the fine spirits produced with Australian malted barley was more similar to that of Scotch whisky malt than the ratio in the fine spirits produced with domestic one. The fact depends on the nature of malted barleys used.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
田口 保
宮地 昇
栢原 健二
青柳 尚徳
川崎 一也
栢原 健二
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- ウイスキー香気成分に関する研究-10・11-製造工程における各種成分の挙動について-1・2-