変敗わさび漬より分離した無胞子酵母菌について : (2) 芥子油の抗菌性
- 論文の詳細を見る
The antimicrobial actions of the derivatives of isothiocyanates (allyl-, phenyl-, and 'Wasabi' distillate) on asporogenous yeasts (Candida sp., 7 strains and Rhodotorula sp., 2 strains) were tested using two kinds of culture media, one of which was composed of the usual medium containing isothiocyanates (method 2 and 3) and another which was exposed to the vapor of isothiocyanates (method 1 and 4). By each of those procedures, the isothiocyanate derivatives were found to possess antimirobial effect on yeasts.Antimicrobial effects of isothiocyanates were stronger on Rhodotorula sp. than on Candida sp..Among their antimicrobial actions on yeasts, the strongest effect was shown by 'Wasabi' distillate, which was followed by allyl isothiocyanate, and phenyl isothiocyanate which was found to possess the least effect.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1963-10-15
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- 変敗わさび漬より分離した無胞子酵母菌について : (2) 芥子油の抗菌性
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