222 離散的な構造変化を想定した梁構造物のシステム同定と振動制御(宇宙構造物・飛翔体の制御I)(OS 宇宙構造物・飛翔体の制御)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Self-adaptation of structures for discrete connection by between subsystems is discussed in this paper. The system identification and the vibration control of the Large Space Structure (LSS) is described. The trend on study of LSS constructed by connecting subsystems was explained and a concept of the self-adaptation was proposed. Applying the Subspace State Space Identification method (4SID) that one of the system identification, a beam structure patched piezoelectric ceramics has a function of the self-sensing, and more, the structure can achieve to equipped with the adaptability due to system variations by connecting subsystems. The idea of self-sensing and the advantage of the 4SID gives a insight for the connecting problem of the LSS.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-04-20
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