- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes some experimental values of aerodynamic resistance of perforated plates in natural convection, providing basic thermal data necessary for designing electronic equipment casings. In the conventional measuring method which measures only in the higher region of Reynolds number, there is a disadvantage that the utmost precision cannot be attained in measurement due to the values of pressure loss and velocity being unidentifiably small. Io our new method, however, it is designed to evaluate a fluid resistance coefficient depending on the air temperature elevated by the combined effect of motive power of natural convection and fluid resistance and consequently to elucidate the influence of Reynolds number, coefficient of porosity, and thickness of plates/diameter of holes on resistance coefficient of perforated plates.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1984-12-25
石塚 勝
石塚 勝
宮崎 芳郎
佐々木 富也
佐々木 富也
佐々木 富也
(株)東芝 医用システム社 Ct・核医学開発部
宮崎 芳郎
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