Microscopic Identification of the D-vector in Triplet Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4
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Triplet superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4 is investigated with main interest on its internal degree of freedom. We perform a microscopic calculation to investigate how the chiral state d^^^(k) = (k_x ± ik_y)z^^^ is realized among the underlying six degenerate states. Starting from the three hand Huhhard model with spin-orbit interaction, we use a perturbation theory in order to calculate the pairing interaction. The p-wave superconductivity with T_c 〜 1.5 K is obtained in the moderately weak coupling region. It is shown that the orbital dependent superconductivity (ODS) robustly appears in Sr_2RuO_4. We determine the stabilized state by solving the Eliashberg equations. We find that the Hund coupling term as well as the spin-orbit interaction is necessary for the "symmetry breaking interaction". The main result is that the chiral state is stabilized in case of the p-wave symmetry with the main γ-band, which is obtained in the perturbation theory. When we assume the other pairing symmetry including the ƒ-wave state, the symmetry breaking interaction gives the other d-vector. The electronic structure constructed from the t_2_g-orbitals is essential for this result.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-03-15
Yanase Y
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Yanase Youichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University:(present)department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Yanase Youichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Ogata Masao
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Ogata Masao
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Science University Of Tokyo
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