Acoustic Polaron in a Ladder-Type Electron-Lattice System : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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The properties of an acoustic polaron are numerically studied for an electron-lattice system with a ladder-type structure where an electron transfer between two chains is allowed. Su-Schrieffer-Heeger's (SSH) model extended to the ladder system is used on the assumption that the periodic boundary condition in the chain direction is satisfied. When the interchain electronic transfer integral t_<x0> is comparable with the intrachain one t_<y0>, the lattice deformation related to the polaron is small compared to the case of one-dimensional systems because the electronic density profile is distributed equally in the two chains, and as a result the effective mass becomes lighter than the single chain case. On the other hand, when t_<x0> is much smaller than t_<y0>, the polaron is localized in one of the two chains instead of being distributed with a homogeneous weight to the two chains. This transition from the homogeneous to an inhomogeneous state is found to occur suddenly at a certain value of t_<x0> as we decrease it, where the critical value of t_<x0> depends on the electron-lattice coupling constant. Analysis of energetics indicates that this is a discontinuous transition similar to the first-order type phase transition. Dynamical simulation where the polaron is accelerated by an electric field shows that the homogeneous-inhomogeneous transition can occur when the velocity of the polaron increases and the polaron width in the chain direction decreases.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2000-10-15
Ono Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physicis Toho University
OOTOMO Fumitarou
Department of Physics, Toho University
Ootomo Fumitarou
Department Of Physics Toho University
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- Acoustic Polaron in a Ladder-Type Electron-Lattice System : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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