Phonons around a Soliton and a Polaron in Su-Schriffer-Heeger's Model of trans-(CH)_x
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Linear modes around a soliton and a polaron are calculated after static self-consis-tent solutions for a soliton and a polaron are numerically determined in Su-SchriefferHeeger's (SSH) model of Zran,s'-polyacetylene [7-(CH).1 with finite size. The linearchain is assumed to satisfy the periodic boundary condition. In the case of a soliton,four localized modes are found, three of which correspond to the localized opticalmodes obtained in the continuum version of the SSH model and the fourth appearsbecause of the discreteness. In the case of a polaron, the number of the localizedmodes is seven; five have been already obtained in the con1.inuum model and the re-maining two are generated due to the discreteness.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-01-15
Ono Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physicis Toho University
Terai Akira
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka City University
- Scaling Behavior of Level Statistics in Quantum Hall Regime
- Metal-Insulator Transition in Three-Dimensional Systems with Random Phase Hopping
- Level Spacing Distribution and Δ_3-Statistics of Two Dimensional Disordered Electrons in Strong Magnetic Field
- Anderson Transition in Three-Dimensional Systems in Strong Magnetic Fields
- Inverse Participation Number and Fractal Dimensionality of Electronic States in a Two Dimensional System in Strong Perpendicular Magnetic Field
- Conductance Fluctuations in Two- Dimensional Systems in Random Magnetic Fields
- Study of Quantum Hall Effect by Random Matrix Model
- Electron Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Disordered Symplectic System with Electron-Phonon Interactions(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Electron Transport and Time-Dependent Perturbation in a Two-Dimensional Symplectic System
- Electron Transport and Time-Dependent Perturbation in a Two-Dimensional Symplectic System
- Phonon Dispersion Relations in Two-dimensional Peierls Phase(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Multi Mode Phonon Softening in Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Critical Level Statistics in Two-Dimensional Disordered Electron Systems
- Anisotropic Fractal Dimensionality of Electronic States in Confined Two Dimensional System Subject to Strong Magnetic Field
- Hall Current Distributions in Quantum Hall Effect on Finite Cylinder Surface. II. Gate Barrier Effect
- Hall Current Distributions in Quatum Hall Effect on Finite Cylinder Surface
- Quantum Hall Conductivity and the Electronic States in Cylinder Geometry with Finite Width
- Fractionally Charged States in Quarter-Filled Electron-Phonon Systems^*
- A Numerical Study of Fractionally Charged States in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon Systems with Commensurability 3
- Structure of Charge Density Waves in Nearly Quarter-Filled One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon Systems
- Semi-Phenomenological Analysis of Dynamics of Nonlinear Excitations in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon System
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field. IV. : Damping of Soliton Velocity
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field.III. : Energetics
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field.II. : Behavior of Width
- Correlation Effects on the Spin Soliton in Polyacetylene
- Correlation Effects on the Phonons Localized around a Soliton or a Polaron in Polyacetylene
- Transport in Two Dimensional Periodic Magnetic Fields
- Potential Range Dependence of Mixing of Edge States in Quantum Hall Effect
- Scaling Behavior of Level Spacing Distribution in the Lowest Landau Band of Two- Dimensional Disordered Electrons
- Effects of Long-Range Potentials by Impurities in Polyacetylene
- Effects of Impurities in Polyacetylene─Bond-Type Short-Ranged Impurities
- Theory of Raman Scattering with Nonlinear Excitations in a Continuum Model of trans-Polyacetylene
- Effects of Impurities in Polyacetylene : Site-Type Short-Ranged Impurities
- Infrared Activity of Phonons around a Soliton in trans-(CH)_X and (CD)_x : The Origin of the New IR Active Modes
- Phonons around a Soliton in a Continuum Model of t-(CH)_x
- Phonons around a Soliton in trans-(CH)_x-Dependence on the Electron Momentum Cut-Off-
- Linear Mode Analysis around a Polaron in trans-Polyacetylene (CH)_x
- Linear Mode Analysis Around a Soliton in Trans-polyacetylene (CH)_x
- Fractionally Charged States in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon Systems with Commensurability 3
- Brownian Motion of a Soliton in Trans-Polyacetylene.II.Friction Mechanism
- Brownian Motion of a Soliton in trans-Polyacetylene.I.Random Walk Mechanism
- Soliton-Phonon Interactions in trans-Polyacetylene
- Multimode Peierls State in a Modified Square-Lattice SSH Model(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Field Induced Localization in Three Dimensional Metallic Systems
- Interchain Pair Hopping of Solitons and Polarons Via Dopants in Polyacetylene
- Photogeneration Dynamics of Nonlinear Excitations in Polyacetylene : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Phonon Softening in Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System with Anisotropy(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Dynamics of an Acoustic Polaron in One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Thermomagnetic Coefficients in a Quantizing Magnetic Field. I. : Electronic Component
- Degeneracy of Ground State in Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Peierls Distortion in Two-Dimensional Tight-Binding, Model : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 28. Two-Dimensional Anderson Localization under Strong Maqnetic Fields(Theories,IV. Quantized Hall Effects)
- Berry's Phase in the Multimode Peierls States
- Collisions among Acoustic Polarons and Acoustic Bipolarons in One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Orbital Magnetization in Quantum Hall Regime
- BOW-SDW Transition in the Two-dimensional Peierls-Hubbard Model(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Self-Consistent Treatment of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localization in Magnetic Fields
- Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Anderson Localized System in Self-Consistent Treatment
- Two-Dimensional Spin-Peierls State With a Multimode Lattice Distortion (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Reexamination of Finite-Lattice Extrapolation of Haldane Gaps(General)
- Structure of the Moving Soliton in the TLM Model
- Charge Propagation on Branching off Conjugated Polymers
- Kinks in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon System with Commensurability 3 : Coupling Constant Dependence
- Chaos-Induced Breaking of the Franck-Condon Approximation for Transition Spectra in Jahn-Teller Systems(Atomic and Molecular Physics)
- Electric Conduction Due to Charged Solitons in Polyacetylene
- Activation Energy of a Charged Soliton Pinned by Dopants in Polyacetylene
- An Acoustic Polaron in a Quasi-One-Dimensional System with Branching-Off Structure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Anisotropy of Ultrasonic Attenuation Coefficient in Dirty Metals under Strong Magnetic Fields
- Self-Consistent Treatment of Dynamical Diffusion Coefficient of Two Dimensional Random Electron System under Strong Magnetic Fields.III
- Quantization of Phonons and Raman Scattering in a Continuum Model of Trans-Polyacetylene
- Phonons around a Soliton and a Polaron in Su-Schriffer-Heeger's Model of trans-(CH)_x
- Self-Consistent Treatment of Dynamical Diffusion Coefficient of Two Dimensional Random Electron System under Strong Magnetic Fields.II
- Acoustic Polaron in a Ladder-Type Electron-Lattice System : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Optical Absorption by Phonons around a Soliton in a Model of trans-Polyacetylene (CH)_x
- Photogeneration Dynamics of a Soliton Pair in Polyacetylene
- Dynamics of an Acoustic Bipolaron in One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice Systems : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Multi Mode Phonon Softening in Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Solitons and Their Dynamics in One-Dimensional SDW Systems
- Self-Consistent Treatment of Dynamical Diffusion Coefficient of Two Dimensional Random Electron System under Strong Magnetic Fields
- The Magnetothermal Resistivity of an Antiferromagnetic Insulator at Low Temperatures. I. An Ising system, Molecular-Field Approximation
- Peierls Transition in Non-Half-Filled Tight-Binding Model. : II. Physical Quantities in Commensurate Phase
- Amplitude Mode around a Moving Soliton in Polyacetylene
- Microscopic Theory of Thermal Conductivity in an Electron-Phonon System
- Acoustic Polaron in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Energy Dependence of Localization Length of Two-Dimensional Electron System Moving in a Random Potential under Strong Magnetic Fields
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Fielld
- The Magnetothermal Resistivity of an Antiferromagnetic Insulator at Low Temperatures. II. A Heisenberg System, Spin-Wave Approximation
- Dynamics of a Fractionally Charged Soliton in a One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Localization of Electrons under Strong MAgnetic Fields in a Two-Dimensional System
- A Calculation of a Phonon Damping in a Dirty Normal Metal
- Electric Conduction Due to an a Acoustic Bipolaron in One-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Acoustic Polaron in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Nonlinear Excitations in Discrete Model of Conjugated Polymers
- An Acoustic Polaron in a Quasi-One-Dimensional System with Branching-Off Structure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)