Valence of Ce in the Chevrel Compound CeMo_6S_8
- 論文の詳細を見る
Valence of Ce in the Chevrel compound CeMo.S. was investigated by XPS and Battice constant measurements at roorn temperature. The concentration dependence oflattice constant in the system Ce.La. .Mo.S. follows the Vegard's law in a whole con-centration region of Ce. The Ce 3d and 4d XPS spectra show strong peaks with the in-itial state of Ce" and no peaks due to Ce". The mixing rate of Ce"/Ce" wasestimated to be less than 2%, assuming the noise level of the XPS spectrum to be theupper limit of the Ce" peaks.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-02-15
OKUDA Kiichi
Department of Electronics, University of Osaka Prefecture
Osaka Electro-Communication University
Okuda Kiichi
Department Of Electronics University Of Osaka Prefecture
Okuda Kiichi
Department Of Physics And Electronics Osaka University
Okuda K
Gifu National Coll. Technology Gifu
Takigawa Yasuo
Department Of Electronic Engineering Osaka Electro-communication University
Takigawa Yasuo
Department Of Solid State Electronics Osaka Electro-communication University
Okuda Kiichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
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