Effect of Pressure on the Curie Temperature of CuCr_2Se_<4-x>Br_x
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The pressure derivative of the Curie temperatu?'e 8T./8p of CuCr.Se. .Br.(O.O$ x $1.0) have been obtained from the results of measurement of temperaturedependence of initial permeability (p) at various pressures. The Curie tempera-ture decreases linearly with pressure for all of as-prepared samples. The magnitudeof the negative value of 8T./8p for CuCr.Se.-.Br, decreases with increasing Brcontent from -1.67 K/kbar at x=0.0 to -0.35 K/kbar at ,v===0.8. The pressureeffect on the magnetization of CuCr.Se.-.Br. has also been studied by the forcedmagnetostriction. On the basis of these results, the composition dependences ofthe Curie temperature, the magnetization and the exchange interaction are do-termined. Moreover, the strain dependence of the exchange interaction is alsoobtained. The exchange striction is also studied for CuCr.Se ..5 Brg .5 .
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1983-04-15
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
KANEKO Takejiro
The Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University
Kanomata Takeshi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
Kanomata T
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
The Research institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys
Kaneko Takejiro
The Research Institute For Iron Stee And Other Metals Tohoku University
Shirakawa Kiwamu
The Research Institute For Electric And Magnetic Alloys
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