Resonance Photoemission Spectroscopy of Mn_2As, Cr_2As and Fe_2As
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-12-15
Daimon Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Material Science Nara Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Daimon Hiroshi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Daimon Hiroshi
Department Of Material Physics Faculty O Engineering Science Osaka University
Arai Kuniaki
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
SUGA Shigemasa
Department of Material Physics,Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University
Kimura Akio
Department of Neurology and Geriatrics, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
Kasuya A
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Department of Material Physics,Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University
Kimura A
Univ. Tokyo Chiba
Kaneko T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
KANEKO Takejiro
The Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University
Suga Shigemasa
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Kakizaki Akito
Department Of Physical Sciences Hiroshima University
Kimura Akio
Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Kanomata Takeshi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
Kimura A
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Matsushita Tomohiro
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Daimon Hiroshi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Kaneko Takejiro
The Research Institute For Iron Stee And Other Metals Tohoku University
Kimura Akio
Department Of Computer And Information Sciences Faculty Of Engineering Iwate University
Kimura Akio
Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
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- Ti 3d Orbital Change Across Metal-Insulator Transition in Ti_2O_3 : Polarization-Dependent Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at Ti 2p Edge(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Atomic Diffusion and Electronic Structures of Ce/Ni(110)and Ce/Cu(110)Systems
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- BIS and XPS Study of YbP,YbAs and Yb_4As_3
- Magnetic Dead Layers Induced by Strain at fct Fe/Rh(001) Interface(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- Helicity Dependence of the Spin Polarization of Ni 6 eV Satellite : Condensed Matter Electronic Properties, etc.
- Electronic Structure of CeB_6 Studied by 3d XPS and High-Resolution 4d-4f Resonant Photoemission
- Angle-Resolved Inverse Photoemission Spectra of Layered 1T-VSe_2,1T-TiS_2,IT-TaS_2,2H-NbSe_2 and 2H-TaSe_2
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- New Models for the 7×7,5×5,2×8 Structures on Si(111) and Ge(111) Surfaces
- Symmetry Analysis of the Fermi Surface States of Sr_2RuO_4 by Display-Type Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Characterization of Electronic States Using a Polarized Light and a Display Analyzer (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on SRMS(Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science)(2))
- Photon-Stimulated Desorption Mechanism of Cl^+ Ions from Cl/Si(111) Surface
- Strong Circular Dichroism in Photoelectron Diffraction from Nonchiral, Nonmagnetic Material - Direct Observation of Rotational Motion of Electrons
- Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Ni-Pd Alloys in Ni 2p, 3p, Pd 3p, and 4p Core Excitation Regions : Enhancement of Ni 3d Orbital Moment
- Extreme Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of K-Rb and K-Cs alloys
- Line Shape Asymmetry of 2p Core Level Photoemission Spectrum of Al(001)Single Crystal
- Photoemission Study of U-Ge Compounds by the Use of Synchrotron Radiation
- Cesium-induced Reconstruction on Si(113)3×2 Surface Studied by Low Energy Electron Diffraction and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Growth of High-Mobility 3C-SiC Epilayers by Chemical Vapor Deposition : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
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- The Growth Mechanism of SiC Film on a Si (111)-(7×7) Surface by C_ Precursor Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- The Quality of SiC Film Formed by Thermal Reaction of C_ Monolayer on Si(111)-(7×7) Surface(STM-C_)
- Initial Stage Growth and Electronic Structure of Al Overlayer on a Single-Domain Si(001)2×1 Surface
- Chemical Analysis of Surfaces by Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy in RHEED Experiments (RHEED-TRAXS)
- High-Resolution Isochromat Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Electronic Structure of Al-Li-Cu Quasicrystal: Photoemission and Inverse Photoemission Studies of Icosahedral and Crystalline Phases
- Development of the Hard-X-ray Angle Resolved X-ray Photoemission Spectrometer for Laboratory Use
- Change of Surface Electronic States Induced by Li and K Adsorption on the Si(111)7×7 Structure
- Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Study of the Growth of Ge on the Ge(111) Surface
- Magnetic Properties of Fe-Cu and Fe-P Electrodeposited Alumite Films
- Co-P Electrodeposited Alumite Films with In-Plane Magnetization
- Dynamics of magnetostatically coupled vortices observed by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
- Low-Energy Electron Diffraction and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies of Sb-induced Reconstruction on Si(113)3×2 Surface
- Measurement of Differential Cross Sections of Low-Energy Electrons Elastically Scattered by Gas Molecules.III.Effect of Intramolecular Double Scattering as Observed in the Scattering of 70-400 eV Electrons by Carbon Tetrachloride
- Measurements of Differential Cross Sections of Low-Energy Electrons Elastically Scattered by Gas Molecules.II.Scattering of 200-500 eV Electrons by Molecular Oxygen
- Resonant Photoemission in Transition Metal Bromides
- Weak 3p-3d Resonance in the Valence Band Photoemission of Manganese Phosphide
- Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectra of a Glassy Metal Ni_Fe_P_B_6
- Extreme Ultraviolet Photoemission from Chromium Metal
- Extreme Ultraviolet Photoemission of MnSi,FeSi and CoSi
- Extreme Ultraviolet Photoemission of CeB_6 and PrB_6
- Extreme Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectra of Manganese Phosphide
- Ion Oxidation of Si(111)
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observation of Germapericycline on a Graphite Surface
- Development of High-Energy-Resolution Display-Type Photoelectron Spectrometer in the Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Region
- BIS Spectra of L_4X_3 (L: Ce, Sm, Yb and X: As, Sb, Bi), Ce(Pd_Cu_x)_3 and Related Compounds : Chapter 4. Optical Properties : 4-1. Photoemission and inverse Photoemission Studies of Electronic Structures
- Resonant Photoemission in Open and Closed 3d Shell Systems:Ni_xSi (x=3,2.5,2,1.5,1,and 0.5)
- Self-Assembled Growth of Spinel (Fe,Zn)O-Perovskite BiFeO Nanocomposite Structures Using Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Photoelectron Diffraction and Holographic Reconstruction of Graphite
- Negative Photoelectron Diffraction Replica in Secondary Electron Angular Distribution
- Microscopic and Spectroscopic Studies of Light-Induced Magnetization Switching of GdFeCo Facilitated by Photoemission Electron Microscopy
- Dynamics of Magnetostatically Coupled Vortices Observed by Time-Resolved Photoemission Electron Microscopy
- Complete Assignment of Spin Domains in Antiferromagnetic NiO(100) by Photoemission Electron Microscopy and Cluster Model Calculation
- Development of Scanning Probe Microscope for Auger Analysis
- Characterizing Edge and Stacking Structures of Exfoliated Graphene by Photoelectron Diffraction
- Characterizing Edge and Stacking Structures of Exfoliated Graphene by Photoelectron Diffraction (SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED PHYSICS : Nano Electronics and Devices : Characterization and Control of Nano Surfaces and Interfaces)
- Element Assignment for Three-Dimensional Atomic Imaging by Photoelectron Holography