Pentagonal Configurartion in GaP Ultrafine Particle
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2004-05-15
SUZUKI Hitoshi
Tohoku Gakuin University
鈴木 秀男
鈴木 秀男
Department of Applied Physics, University of Miyazaki
鈴木 秀男
University Of Tsukuba
Suzuki Hitoshi
Department of Cardiology and Hematology, Fukushima Medical University
Sakurai H
Nanomaterials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
Suzuki H
National Inst. Materials Sci. Ibaraki
Kaito C
Kyoto Inst. Technology Kyoto
Kaito Chihiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto Technical University
Kaito Chihiro
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology Matsugasaki
Kaito Chihiro
Department Of Physics Ritsumeikan University
Suzuki H
Waseda Univ. Tokyo
Suzuki H
National Institute For Fusion Science
Department of Nanophysics in Frontier Projects, Ritsumeikan University
Department of Nano Physics in Frontier Project, Ritsumeikan University
Kinuta Yasuhiko
Laboratory For Nano-structure Science Department Of Physics Ritsumeikan University
Kimura Y
Laboratory For Nano-structure Science Department Of Physics Ritsumeikan University
Kimura Yuki
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Miyazaki
Kurumada Mami
Department Of Nanophysics In Frontier Projects Ritsumeikan University
Koike Chiyoe
Department Of Physics Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Kaito Chihiro
Department Of Physics Fuel Cell Center Ritsumeikan University
Tanigaki T
Department Of Physics Ritsumeikan University
Kaito Chihiro
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Suzuki H
Tohoku Gakuin University
Suzuki Hitoshi
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Kurumada Mami
Department of Nano Physics in Frontier Project, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
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- 2水準過飽和実験計画を用いたパラメータ設計
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- 技術サイクルを考慮した最適な製品開発期間の決定(マーケティング(2))
- 2-6 口コミ効果を考慮した消費者評価構造に関する研究(2.研究発表会の要旨,(社)日本品質管理学会 第36回年次大会)
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- 1-B-1 1クラスSVMの品質管理手法への適用(SVM)
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- 1-E-5 テレビドラマにおける満足度とブログ情報の関連性に関する研究(特別セッション 先端マーケティング分析)
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