Magnetic Properties of CeScSi Single Crystal
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-02-08
SUZUKI Hiroyuki
National Institute for Materials Science
Kosaka Masashi
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Kosaka Masashi
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Faculty of Science,Yamaguchi University
Yokoyama Makoto
Department Of Materials And Biological Sciences Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
SUZUKI Hitoshi
Tohoku Gakuin University
鈴木 秀男
鈴木 秀男
University Of Tsukuba
Department of Physics, Saitama University
Shigeoka Toru
Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
Shigeoka Toru
Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Kosaka M
Saitama Univ. Saitama
Yokoyama M
Yokoyama M
Department Of Materials And Biological Sciences Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Sakurai H
Nanomaterials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Kitazawa H
National Institute For Materials Science
Kitazawa H
Riken Spring-8 Center Harima Institute
Kitazawa Hideaki
National Institute For Materials Science
Suzuki H
National Inst. Materials Sci. Ibaraki
KIDO Giyuu
National Institute for Materials Science
Ueda Yutaka
Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Research Division
Kido G
National Res. Inst. Metals Tsukuba
Kido G
National Inst. For Materials Sci. Ibaraki
Kido Giyuu
Nanomaerials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
Kido Giyuu
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo:the Research Institute For Iron Steel And Othe
MORI Nobuo
The Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo
Kitazawa Hideaki
National Institute For Material Science
Kitazawa Hideaki
Physical Properties Division National Research Institute For Metals
Kosaka Masashi
Department Of Physics College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon University
Mori Nobuo
Saitama Study Center The Open University Of Japan
Mori Nobuo
Institute Of Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Uwatoko Y
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Uwatoko Y
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences Hiroshima University:faculty Of General Education Kumamoto U
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Department Of Physics Faculty Of General Education Kumamoto University
OOMI Gendo
Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
Yokoyama M
Department Of Physics Saitama University
Kido G
National Research Institute For Metals
Suzuki H
Waseda Univ. Tokyo
Kitazawa H
National Institute For Materials Science (nims)
Mori N
Saitama Study Center The Open University Of Japan
Mori Nobuo
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kido G
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Suzuki Hiroyuki
National Institute For Material Science
Kido Giyuu
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
Kido Giyun
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Kido Giyuu
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo:the Research Institute For Iron Steel And Othe
Kido Giyuu
National Inst. For Materials Sci. (nims)
Suzuki H
Tohoku Gakuin University
Oomi Gendo
Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
Mori Nobuo
Saitama Study Center, The Open University of Japan
Uwatoko Yoshiya
Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., Pharmacology Research Laboratories
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- 26aTC-6 回転球面上の極冠流れの西岸強化流への転移について(26aTC 電磁・熱・地球宇宙流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 26aTC-8 β平面における帯状流の相互作用について(26aTC 電磁・熱・地球宇宙流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 25pTC-9 帆立貝定理の破れについて(25pTC 非圧縮性流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 25pTC-7 Kolmogorov流の共変Lyapunov解析と時間相関関数(25pTC 非圧縮性流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
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- 24aGS-7 回転球殼内のBoussinesq熱対流により引き起こされる両側球の3軸回転(24aGS 希薄気体・地球流体・波動,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 22aGS-4 Kolmogorov流の共変Lyapunovベクトルに見られる間欠性について(22aGS 力学系とその周辺・数値計算アルゴリズム・その他の数理モデル・剛体・弾性波,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 「流体若手夏の学校2011-乱流の統計理論と秩序構造-」の報告(行事報告)
- 23pGS-13 回転球面上の帯状流の安定性と分岐解の対称性の回復(23pGS 非圧縮性流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 23aGS-5 Stokes流体中の生物運動と形状対称性(23aGS 複雑流体,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 24aGS-6 回転球面上の極冠流と西岸強化流(24aGS 希薄気体・地球流体・波動,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 29aC09P Puffing gas flow modulation experiment in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror
- 微生物の運動と流体力学 : 帆立貝定理とその破れ (第8回生物数学の理論とその応用)
- 回転球殻内のBoussinesq熱対流問題の安定性と分岐構造及び熱対流が両側球に及ぼす影響 (乱流の普遍性と個別性:流体乱流を通して宇宙を見る)
- Sliding Mode Control for Electric Power Assist Systems