Electric-Field Breakdown of Absolute Negative Conductivity and Supersonic Streams in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems with Zero Resistance/Conductance States
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We calculate the current-voltage characteristics of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) subjected to a magnetic field at strong electric fields. The interaction of electrons with piezoelectric acoustic phonons is considered to be a major scattering mechanism governing the current-voltage characteristics. It is shown that at a sufficiently strong electric field corresponding to the Hall drift velocity exceeding the velocity of sound, the dissipative current exhibits an overshoot. The overshoot of the dissipative current can result in a breakdown of the absolute negative conductivity caused by microwave irradiation and, therefore, can substantially affect the formation of the domain structures with the so-called zero-resistance and zero-conductance states and supersonic electron streams
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-11-15
Computational Nanoelectronics Laboratory, University of Aizu
Ryzhii Victor
Computational Nanoelectronics Laboratory University Of Aizu
Ryzhii V
Univ. Aizu Fukushima
University of Aizu
University of Aizu
Satou A
University Of Aizu
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