長野県美ヶ原高原の気象, 特に植物遷移との関係について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Meteorological observations were made at the grassland of the Utsukushigahara Heights (ca. 2000 m above sea-level) situated in the subalpine zone. The air temperature at this Heights was about 7℃ lower than that at Matsumoto City (ca. 600 m above sea-level) through the season. During the winter period, the depth of snowdrift in the Heights varied topographically. The snow temperature in the upper zone, or down to a depth of 10 cm was consistently lower than the air temperature, but that in the zone lower than 10 cm in depth was higher than the air temperature. The snow temperature was affected by the variation of the air temperature with the lapse of time, and there was less variation and a rise in the snow temperature with the increase in the depth of the snow. The thinner frozen-layer of the soil was found with the increase in the depth of snowdrift, but the soil below the 150 cm deep snow was not frozen. When the soil was frozen under a thin snow cover, in the bare-ground, the frozen-soil consisted of three layers. That is, the upper layer was frozen hard, the lower one was frozen slightly, and the larger between them contained numerous ice-needles and crevices. In the grassland, however, there were two frozen layers without the development of the middle layer. In the light-snow region of the subalpine zone, the middle layer of the frozen-soil in the bare-ground seems to prevent the plant invasion.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1973-08-20
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