植物の環境適応に関する生理生態学的研究 : V.カタクリ鱗茎における炭水化物含量とアミラーゼ活性の季節的変化
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Erythronium japonicum Decaisne bulbs were used to investigate the seasonal changes of their density, starch and sugar contents, and amylase and amylase isozymes activities. The density and the starch content were gradually decreased from early autumn in the previous year to just before the appearence of aboveground part in early spring, and were rapidly increased with its appearence. Then, the density alone decreased its value during the period of seed maturity. The seasonal change of the sugar content was in quite contrast with that of the starch. The bulb began to develop a new bud in it in early autumn during which soil temperature became to a low level. The seasonal change of amylase activity in the bulb was similar to that of sugar content. During the seasonal change, its optimum temperature showed two different levels : from 15℃ to 25℃ in the period from summer to middle autumn while 5℃ in the period from late autumn to late spring in the following year. When the bulbs were cultured respectively at the constant temperature of 1℃ and 20℃ from summer to early winter, however, amylase's high activity at 5℃, which was shown during a cold season in the field, was not observed at the end of the culture period although the bulbs cultured in both the constant temperatures had developed their new buds like the bulbs in the field. Some of amylase isozymes were found to rise to a high activity during the period from autumn to spring in the following year. When the bulbs were cultured at a constant temperature since summer, however, the isozymes which decreased their activity were found among such isozymes, especially at 1℃ rather than 20℃ cultures. The seasonal change of carbohydrate metabolic actibity in E. japonicum seems to be caused by specific amylase isozymes which changed their activities seasonally between both periods of high soil-temperature and low soil-temperature, and the activity change seems to originate from a biological annual-periodicity and seasonal temperature stimulus.
- 信州大学理学部の論文
- 1991-10-30
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- 植物の環境適応に関する生理生態学的研究 : V.カタクリ鱗茎における炭水化物含量とアミラーゼ活性の季節的変化
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