- 論文の詳細を見る
Effect of iron administration on growth and anemia in newborn piglets from sows reared in University Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University was investigated. Piglets from each sow were divided into two groups of iron-administered and non-treated piglets. The iron-administered piglets were injected intramuscularly with 1 ml of iron-dextran (100 mg as iron) twice from 3 to 14 days of age. The management regimen for piglets was made by the conventional method used in this farm. The results obtained were as follows ; the growth rate of non-treated piglets was retarded after 20 or 30 days of age, while the iron administration facilitated the growth rate and consequently the difference in body weight between both groups was obvious as the days of age progressed. Both hematocrit and hemoglobin of the iron-administered piglets were almost constant throughout the experiment, being 37.5% and 11.3g/100 ml, respectively, while those of the non-treated piglets were reduced from early stage of the nursing and the lowest values (23.2% for hematocrit and 6.1g/100 ml for hemoglobin) were obtained at 18 days of age, after which they gradually increased but did not reach the levels observed in the iron-administered piglets.香川大学農学部附属農場で生産された子豚の発育と貧血に及ぼす鉄剤投与の影響を調査した. 子腹を各腹ごとに鉄投与区と対照区の2群に分け, 鉄投与区には3日齢から14日齢までの間に2度, デキストラン鉄1ml(鉄として100mg)を筋肉内注射し, 対照区は無処理とした. 試験期間中の飼養管理は当農場の慣用法によった. その結果, 両区の発育は20日齢から30日齢までは同程度であったが, 日齢が進むにつれて対照区の発育に遅延がみられ, 鉄投与区の発育が対照区を上回る傾向がみられた. ヘマトクリットおよびヘモグロビンは, 鉄投与区では試験期間中ほぼ一定の値(ヘマトクリット37.5%, ヘモグロビン11.3g/100ml)を示したが, 対照区では出生後急激に減少し, 18日齢で最低値(ヘマトクリット23.2%, ヘモグロビン6.1g/100ml)を示した. その後, 漸時増加したが, 対照区の値には到達しなかった.
- 香川大学の論文
- 1980-03-30
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- 1または2日間貯蔵したイタリアンライグラス緑汁液から分離したLPCの収量と栄養価(英文)