Identification and Characterization of a Quantitative Trait Locus, Hd9, Controlling Heading Date in Rice
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A new quantitative trait locus (QTL), Hd9, controlling rice heading date was detected in a BC_4F_2 backcross population derived from a cross between a japonica rice variety, Nipponbare, as the recurrent parent, and an indica variety, Kasalath, as the donor parent. Hd9 was precisely mapped on the short arm of chromosome 3 as a single Mendelian factor; progeny testing of BC4_F_3 lines derived from BC_4F_2 plants revealed that it cosegregated with the RFLP marker S12021. In addition, a nearly isogenic line (NIL) of the target QTL, NIL(Hd9), in which a small chromosomal segment of Kasalath including Hd9 was substituted into the genetic background of Nipponbare, was selected from the progeny based on marker-assisted selection. Days to heading of NIL(Hd9) increased under long-day and natural field conditions at Tsukuba, but remained almost the same under short-day conditions as that of the isogenic control, Nipponbare. Analysis of F_2 populations derived from crosses between NIL(Hd9) and either NIL(Hd1) or NIL(Hd2) revealed that the phenotypic gene effect of Hd9 was additive to that of Hd1 and Hd2. This result suggests that no epistatic interaction was involved. Based on these results, we discussed the biological function of Hd9.
- 日本育種学会の論文
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
佐々木 卓治
Sasaki T
National Inst. Agrobiogical Sci. (nias) Ibaraki Jpn
Sasaki T
Department Of Molecular Genetics National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Yano Masahiro
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
Ashikari M
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya University
Ashikari Motoyuki
Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution:(present Address)bioscience Center Nagoya U
Yano M
Department Of Molecular Genetics National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Yano Masahiro
National Inst. Agrobiological Sci. Ibaraki Jpn
Lin Hongxuan
Bio-oriented Technology' Research Advancement Institution
Yamanouchi Utako
Institute of the Society for Techno-Innovation of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Lin Hongxuan
Bio-oriented Technology' Research Advancement Institution : Present Address Shanghai Institute
Yamanouchi Utako
Institute Of The Society For Techno-innovation Of Agriculture Forestry And Fisheries
Yano Masahiro
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources (niar)
Ashikari Motoyuki
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya Univ.
Sasaki Takuji
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources
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