Structure, Heterologous Expression, and Properties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Family 19 Chitinases(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
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We identified four new family 19 chitinases in Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare : one class I (OsChiald), two class II (OsChia2a and OsChia2b), and one class IV (OsChia4a). OsChia2a resembled (about 60% identity) the catalytic domains of class I chitinases, but OsChia2b was almost identical (95% identity) to that of the class IV enzyme. OsChia1c, OsChia1cΔCBD (a deletion of OsChia1c lacking a chitin-binding domain, CBD), and OsChia2b were separately expressed and purified in Pichia pastoris. OsChia1c inhibited fungal growth significantly more than OsChia1cΔCBD or OsChia2b. The activities of these enzymes on chitin polymers were similar, but they acted differently on N-acetylchitooligosaccharides, (GlcNAC)_n. OsChia1c slowly hydrolyzed (GlcNAC)_6 and very poorly hydrolyzed (GlcNAC)_4 and (GlcNAC)_5. In contrast, OsChia2b efficiently hydrolyzed these oligosaccharides. The high antifungal activity and low hydrolytic activity of the class I enzyme towards (GlcNAC)_n imply that it participates in the generation of N-acetylchitooligosaccharide elicitors from the cell walls of infecting fungi.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2003-05-23
佐々木 卓治
農業生物資源研究所 ゲノム構造研究室
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Department of Molecular Immunology, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
佐々木 朋子
農林水産省 農業研究センター
Itoh Yoshifumi
National Food Research Institute
佐々木 卓治
Sasaki T
Sasaki Takuji
Department Of Molecular Genetics National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Sasaki Takuji
Department Of Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Sasaki T
Laboratory Of Physical Chemistry Department Of Food Science And Technology School Of Agriculture Nag
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Park Seung-moon
National Food Research Institute:(present Address)basic Science Research Institute Chonbuk National
Nishizawa Yoko
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources (niar)
National Food Research Institute
Truong Nam-hai
National Food Research Institute:(present Address)institute Of Biotechnology National Centre For Nat
Watanabe Takeshi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
Sasaki Takuji
Natl. Inst. Agrobiological. Resources
Sasaki Takuji
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources
Watanabe Takeshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Watanabe Takeshi
Department Of Biosystem Science Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
佐々木 卓治
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
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