<原著>吸入肺シンチグラフィーによる下気道粘液線毛輸送の検討 : 総合的評価システムの開発
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It is widely accepted that the impairment of tracheobronchial clearance (TBC) are closely related to the development and the progression of chronic bronchial infections. We investigated TBC in patients with chronic bronchal infections (bronchiectasis; 11 cases, diffuse panbronchiolitis; 9 cases and primary ciliary dyskinesia; 3 cases) and also in 6 healthy subjects by a radioactive aerosol (^<99m>Tc-human serum albumin, 4.4 ± 1.4μm in diameter) inhalation scintigraphy with cough control in order to elucidate the relationships between impaired TBC and chronic bronchial infections. All subjects were not current smokers. After 4-minutes inhalation of radioactive aerosols (tidal volume : 500ml×20/min.), radioactivities in whole right lung were measured every 20 seconds for 2 hours serially and then measured at the time of 6 and 24 hours after inhalation. Immediately after the serial recording for 2 hours, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed to assess the deposition pattern of radioactive aerosols. During the first 2 hours, all the subjects were instructed to avoid coughing as much as possible to evaluate the mucociliary clearance without cough effect. And then the subjects were allowed to cough between 2 and 24 hours after inhalation. All radiation counts were corrected for background radiation and physical decay of ^<99m>Tc. Because it is considered that the deposited aerosols are eliminated much more slowly in alveoli (biological half life : several months) than in airways (biological half life : several hours), the radioactivity remaining at the time of 24 hours was defined as alveolar deposition (ALV). Initial bronchial deposition (Br0) was defined as initial whole lung deposition (L0) minus ALV. We evaluated the TBC with following parameters; 1) Br0/L0 (%) : ratio of initial bronchial deposition to initial lung (bronchial and alveolar) deposition 2) Br2/Br0 (%), Br6/Br0 (%) : bronchial retention ratio; the ratio of bronchial deposition at the time of 2 and 6 hours after inhalation to initial bronchial deposition, respectively. 3) TMV (mm/min.) : tracheal mucus velocity (rate of shift of radioactive bolus on tracheal mucosa), which was measured during the period of first 2 hours under prohibition of cough. The patients (23 cases) were divided into two groups with regards to cough control for the first two hours of the scintigraphy : cough-controlled group (19 cases) and cough-uncontrolled group (4 cases). The cough-controlled group was subdivided into two subgroups (group A and group B) according to Br0/L0 : group A<47.9% (mean+SD of Br0/L0 in healthy control) ≦ group B. More proximal aerosol deposition was demonstrated in group B and cough-uncontrolled group by SPECT. Br2/Br0 was significantly elevated in group A (p<0.05) and group B (p<0.05) despite more proximal aerosol deposition, and also seemed to be elevated in cough-uncon-trolled group, compared to healthy control. Br6/Br0 was, however, almost equal among all disease groups and healthy control, which suggested that cough played an important role in eliminating airway fluid in chronic bronchial infections and that the impaired mucociliary clearance might be partially compensated by the cough effect. TMV was significantly slower in disease groups (14 patients) than in healthy control. In the rest (9 patients) of the patients, any boli for the measurement of TMV were not detected on tracheal mucosa during the serial imaging for the first 2 hours, which also suggested the remarkable impairment of the mucociliary clearance. We concluded that mucociliary clearance was impaired in patients with chronic bronchial infections and cough played very important roles in compensation of the impaired mucociliary clearance. We also concluded that our integrated system was very useful for evaluating the mucociliary clearance and the cough effect separately.
- 京都大学の論文
- 1992-03-31
久世 文幸
久世 文幸
京都大学胸部疾患研究所 感染・炎症学 呼吸器感染症科
網谷 良一
久世 文幸
松井 保憲
京都大学胸部疾患研究所 感染・炎症学, 第一内科
伊藤 春海
京都大学医学部附属病院 放射線部
松井 保憲
伊藤 春海
久世 文幸
網谷 良一
伊藤 春海
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- 14. 気管支喘息患者に発生し, 発見が遅れた気管・気管支結核症の 1 例(第 40 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
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- 35 モルモットTDI喘息モデルにおける抗酸球脱顆粒の経時的変化と遅発型喘息反応の関連
- 158 気道過敏性亢進を伴う慢性咳嗽 : 気管支拡張剤の効果と気道炎症細胞分画の関連
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- 147 モルモット TDI 喘息モデルの研究 : II. 下気道の組織学的変化の検討
- 146 モルモット TDI 喘息モデルの研究 : I. BAL 所見の検討
- 230 マイコプラズマ感染と気管支喘息の関連 : 興味深い経過をとった3症例
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- Hc-40 肺癌患者の臨床統計
- 多発肺癌の臨床的検討
- 12. 若年者の気管原発と思われる扁平上皮癌の 1 例(第 38 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 10. Laser 焼却にて経過観察中の肺門部早期扁平上皮癌の 1 例(第 35 回 近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 5. 気管支内骨軟骨腫の 1 例(第 37 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 気管支内腫瘤を形成した非ホジキンリンパ腫の 1 例
- 4. 肺癌切除後の局所再発および反対側に新たな病巣を認めた肺の重複癌と思われる 1 例(第 32 回 近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
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- 13. 気管原発腺様嚢胞癌の 1 例(第 38 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
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- 42 多発肺癌の臨床的検討(多発肺癌 II)
- 71 活動性気管・気管支結核症の重症度分類と気管支鏡所見(結核 1)
- 気管支結核症の重症度分類
- 肺癌患者のPPD皮内反応の臨床的検討
- 呼吸器感染症の遺伝子診断とその意義
- 309 減感作療法で改善が得られた非喘息性季節性咳嗽の1例
- 276 Schizophyllum commune 1次菌糸体によると考えられる気管支muciod impactionの1例
- びまん性汎細気管支炎様所見を呈した Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia の 1 例
- 52 気管, 主気管支結核の臨床的検討(気管・気管支結核のマネージメント)
- 52 気管支喘息及び好酸球性肺炎患者におけるBALF中ECP値の検討
- 42 最近経験した気管支結核の 4 症例(結核)
- 41 気管・気管支結核症の臨床的検討(気管支鏡所見の実際 1)
- 31 胸部レ線所見に乏しい気管・気管支結核症の検討(気管支結核)
- II-D-29 高齢者肺癌の臨床的検討
- 39 気管支鏡下に Bleomycin (BLM) 局注后, 喀血死した 3 症例の臨床的検討
- 2. 左主気管支に原発したLiposarkomaの1例 : 第28回日本肺癌学会関西支部会
- 原発性肺細網肉腫の一症例 : 関西支部 : 第25回日本肺癌学会関西支部会
- 310 テオフイリン点滴静注療法の臨床薬理学的検討
- 8 市販アミノフィリン坐剤のBioavailability
- 多剤耐性結核
- 慢性咳嗽症例の臨床像 : 気道過敏性陽性例を中心に(咳嗽の基礎と臨床)
- P-6 慢性咳嗽症例の臨床像 : 気道過敏性陽性例を中心に(咳嗽の基礎と臨床)
- Aspergillus fumigatus臨床分離株からのAsp-hemolysinの検出
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- 62 切除不能非小細胞肺癌に対するIFOS+VDS+CDDP 併用療法のPILOT STUDY
- 3. 偶然に発見された左主気管支の Bridge 形成の 1 例(第 33 回 近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- W-I-2 結核性気管支病変の内視鏡所見(結核性気管支病変の内視鏡所見)
- 400 気管支喘息と急性胃粘膜病変 : 気管支喘息患者における胃粘膜血流の検討
- 103 気管支拡張症に於ける粘液線毛輸送能の検討(形態・機能 3)
- 168 ABPF加療中に発症したChurg-Strauss症候群の一例
- II.肺非定型抗酸菌症の化学療法 -ニューマクロライド剤とニューキノロン剤
- 9 胸部 X-P 陰性の肺門部肺癌の臨床的検討(肺癌 2)
- 26.右横隔膜上にみられた胸腔内脂肪腫の1例 : 第20回肺癌学会関西支部会